I've been trying to render an LED. Originally I wanted a clear housing LED with just the light source providing colour. But I'm finding it harder than I expected, so I'm now working with a housing of the same colour as the light.
When the LED is so close to the camera a simple emmisive layer makes it look flat:
So I thought that if I added a slight translucency it'd spread the light from the omni-light inside around the LED housing. But I the translucency effect is always so strong.
This is just with a refraction layer with Fog colour. You can see the anode and cathode inside the housing. What I'd like to do is add a very faint translucency, as some LEDs are; you still see the internals of the housing, but slightly blurred. But nomatter how I try to tweak this the translucency never reveals the inside.
I even tried to set the transparency level of the refraction layer, with no seemly effect at all.
When the LED is so close to the camera a simple emmisive layer makes it look flat:
So I thought that if I added a slight translucency it'd spread the light from the omni-light inside around the LED housing. But I the translucency effect is always so strong.
This is just with a refraction layer with Fog colour. You can see the anode and cathode inside the housing. What I'd like to do is add a very faint translucency, as some LEDs are; you still see the internals of the housing, but slightly blurred. But nomatter how I try to tweak this the translucency never reveals the inside.
I even tried to set the transparency level of the refraction layer, with no seemly effect at all.