I have followed the instructions on V-Ray4SU Manual and I didn't get the shadows for it.
By the way, I disabled the 'invert' - what is said to be enabled in the manual. Did I do the alpha inverted? Black in Ps is full transparecy, eh? If I enable 'invert' I get no transparency.
However I'm happy I got transparency. (but what about the shadows? Is it possible?)
I have followed the instructions on V-Ray4SU Manual and I didn't get the shadows for it.
By the way, I disabled the 'invert' - what is said to be enabled in the manual. Did I do the alpha inverted? Black in Ps is full transparecy, eh? If I enable 'invert' I get no transparency.
However I'm happy I got transparency. (but what about the shadows? Is it possible?)