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Material Problem with the Latest Vray

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  • Material Problem with the Latest Vray

    Hi Guys,

    I have installed the latest Vray Demo, and i am having a few problems with the materials.

    When i create a new material in sketchup it is automatically inserted into the Vray Material Editor, like it should.

    But in then in the Vray Material Editor i imported 5 Glass materials from the material library, but they are not automatically inserted into the Sketchup Material Library, where i can then aply them to my model.

    I cant even select the imported glass materials and click aply to selection, it just wont work.

    Is this an error with the demo version i have downloaded or is it problem with the material??

    Or do i have to do something to the material once i have imported it??

    Many Thanks


  • #2
    Re: Material Problem with the Latest Vray

    Hello, I hope I can help. What version of SketchUp are you running, and what OS are you running on that computer (OS X 10.6, Windows XP, Vista, etc)? Also, what language is your OS in (Non-English characters can sometimes cause an issue). Where did you get the materials you tried to import, and did you see any error messages when you tried to import or use the materials? It might also help if we had a dump of your error log, here's instructions on how to do that:

    The more we know about the issues, the more accurately we can diagnose and repair the issue.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Material Problem with the Latest Vray

      Thank you for getting back to me!

      I am running sketchup 7.1, on a windows xp system. I am not too sure what the lanuage is but i am sure it is English. I will have to check.

      The materials i tried to import are the glass materials that come with Vray from the library.

      So i went into the material editor and clicked import...... Inserted 'Glass Vismat'..... it appears in the Vray Material editor, but does not appear the sketchup material editor.

      I tried selecting all the faces i wanted to apply the glass material too, right clicked and selected apply to selection and nothing happened.

      I also tried dragging the glass material from the editor and drop it onto the selected faces and i got the symbol a black circle with a strike accross it, above the top of the curser not allowing me to drop the material.

      So i get no error messages just nothing happens.

      It was my first go with it since installing so i will try it again later.

      Also i tried saving a image and when i selected Jpeg and clicked save, when i went to the location where i saved it too, the image did not save, but it does work with png....etc? is this something that is blocked as it is a trial version.

      Sorry also when you switch on detail enhancement render times, go from a few minutes to ages.

      I must say though do like new 'ambient occulsion' and the 'render region' too great additions, still exploring, and so far its looking really good.

      Thank you


      • #4
        Re: Material Problem with the Latest Vray

        Hmm, very odd. I haven't seen this issue crop up in XP yet. We've only been able to reproduce the issue on OS X 10.6 so far.

        I am not too sure what the lanuage is but i am sure it is English. I will have to check.
        Start->Run-> type in "intl.cpl"

        So i went into the material editor and clicked import
        Does this issue also occur if you right click on Scene Materials at the top of the material list, and choose "load material"?

        it appears in the Vray Material editor, but does not appear the sketchup material editor.
        There should be an error that will appear in the V-Ray for SketchUp error log (I linked to that in my last response, please paste a copy of this log in your next response. Follow the instructions in that link for more information). Or in the Ruby Console. If you open the SketchUp Ruby Console prior to doing anything with these materials, if an error occurs on the Ruby side of our plugin, it should show up in that console. Copy and paste any errors from there in your next response as well please.

        right clicked and selected apply to selection and nothing happened.
        Correct. SketchUp doesn't know about V-Ray or our plugin's materials. All SketchUp knows about is it's own materials. We piggy back on those materials, and store our material information as an attribute of existing SketchUp materials. If there is no representation for one of our materials in the SketchUp material editor, then there's no way for us to piggy back with that material, so the material would not be able to be used in the scene. To be clear, it shouldn't be possible to have a material only in our editor or the SU editor, but not in both. Not if everything is working as it should. So there must be an error lurking around somewhere.

        I also tried dragging the glass material from the editor and drop it onto the selected faces and i got the symbol a black circle with a strike accross it, above the top of the curser not allowing me to drop the material.
        Right, because V-Ray materials might as well be giant Hippopotamus or some type of fudge as far as SketchUp knows. It's not really a SketchUp data type.

        So i get no error messages just nothing happens
        We try to not get in your face too much when an error occurs. After all, if a messagebox pops up saying "Error, the material you just used had the following problem: blablablabla" You'd just end up with a huge messagebox with lots of information that you would need to retype to us so we could tell you what's going on. So we just have it in an error log that you can easily copy and paste from.

        Also i tried saving a image and when i selected Jpeg and clicked save, when i went to the location where i saved it too, the image did not save, but it does work with png....etc? is this something that is blocked as it is a trial version.
        No this is a bug:;topicseen#new

        also when you switch on detail enhancement render times, go from a few minutes to ages
        I haven't heard of this one. Can anyone else confirm this issue? Does this behave any differently than it did in the old product?
        Best regards,
        Devin Kendig

        Chaos Group

