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Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

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  • Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

    Hey, I was hoping for some help with an issue I'm having where I get a "sparkle" type artefact in an image with glass shelves.

    I'm using the Irradiance Map as my primary, DMC as the secondary and DMC as the image sampler. The glass subdivs are set to eight.

    The Irradiance Map basic sample rate is Min -3, Max 0. HSPh. Subdivs is 75, Samples is set to 30.

    All the other settings should be as standard.

    I realise an image would make this a lot easier but when I click on 'add image' it just put in two img's in brackets that don't show up in the preview[img][/img]. I've tried copying and pasting the image and dragging it in but neither works!

    I'm using the latest realeased V-Ray (1.48.66) but had this issue in the previous version too.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • #2
    Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

    try to replace the dmc engine, use for primary engine irr. map and for secondary engine ligh cache and tweak the dmc sampler on the noise thresholdtry 0.001


    • #3
      Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

      Make sure you have 'clamp output' checked in the Color Mapping roll-out. It may just be a hot spot created by the reflections.
      (Try to post an image - so we can see what the problem is.)

      Sketchup 2015
      Vray version 2.00


      • #4
        Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

        Hey guys, thanks for your advice. I've tried swapping the render engine and checking the clamp output but neither of these have resolved the issue.

        Can anyone tell me how to include an image in this post? When I click image it just has two [img]'s with the cursor flashing inbetween. I've tried to copy and paste the image and I've tried to drag it in but neither works, what am I doing wrong?!



        • #5
          Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

          in order to post your image, first you have to uploaded by a image web page for example imageshack or photobucket, once you have the link click on insert image and between the img you paste the link example: .


          • #6
            Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

            Aha, then this should be the image.......


            • #7
              Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!


              • #8
                Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                In regards to that image you posted, are you talking about the effect being generated by the floor or somewhere else in the image?


                • #9
                  Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                  I mean the strange effect under the down lights on the underside of the white canopy.


                  • #10
                    Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                    Have you tried changing the noise threshold for your image sampler and DMC sampler to 0.001?

                    If that doesn't work, what is your reflection glossiness and subdivs set to for that material?


                    • #11
                      Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                      Relfection glossiness is 1.55, subdivs is set to 8.

                      I've tried adjusting the noise threshold but the only difference it made was a greatly increased render time.......


                      • #12
                        Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                        Reflection glossiness for materials caps out at 1. I am talking about the value under Reflection for the material properties, not the Fresnel IOR.


                        • #13
                          Re: Artifacts- "Sparkle" effect in an image with glass shelving. Why?!

                          Hey Tehlith, thanks for trying to help me sort my issue but it's a prob that I'm going to have to put on the back burner for a little while. I just found out today that the MD of the company for whom I work has been spending far more money than we've been taking to fund a lifestyle beyond his means and so the company has gone into liquidation!

                          When I get V-Ray again then I'll pick this thread up as it's a prob that's been bugging me for a while but in the mean time all you guys' help has been much appreciated!

