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ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

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  • ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

    I'm sure many of you have noticed that the materials that we once had bundled with our product, are no longer there. This was done to keep the size of our installer at a reasonable size. We realize that these materials were used by many as a starting point when creating their own materials, so we wanted to make these materials available to those that are using version 1.48.66 or later. You can download them here:

    ASGvis Starter Materials

    Note: if you still have the old materials that came with previous installers, these are duplicates of what you already have. This is just being shared with those that do not have these materials already.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group

  • #2
    Re: ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

    These Vismat files seem to reference textures all over the place – for example:

    Car Paint Red looks here: C:\Documents and Settings\fpedrogo\My Documents\VrayRhino_Materials\Textures\Speckledtex ture Dot.jpg
    Wood01 here: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ASGvis\Materials\Textures\Wood-01.jpg

    Which makes using them a complete pain.

    Could you collate them into a standard format, with textures in a known location? Eg: c:\ASGVIS_MATERIALS? – or better yet, have an installer which creates the Vismat file dependant on where the user wanted to install them ?

    Windows 7 doesn’t use c:\documents & Settings.

    Also, when you save a Vismat file from Vray you get a nice readable XML file – these ones look compiled –if you supplied the above material pack in the XML format we could then at least, programmatically change the <parameter listType="none" handler="FileBrowserHandler" type="string" name="file" label="File"> part of the file.




    • #3
      Re: ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

      these are the materials that were bundled with the 1.05.30 version, they haven't been updated to 1.48.66, we just zipped them up and put them on the site. That's why they're binary instead of xml.
      Best regards,
      Devin Kendig

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Re: ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

        Another thing that I noticed is that you removed the *.visopt (render options), the installer.
        Any special reason, or just was removed to keep the installer size?


        • #5
          Re: ASGvis Starter Material Pack for 1.48.66+

          nope, no reason
          Last edited by dkendig; 06-02-2012, 11:03 AM.
          Best regards,
          Devin Kendig

          Chaos Group

