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Vray for Sketchup Upgrade Question

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  • Vray for Sketchup Upgrade Question


    It's about that time of the year when the company is setting the IT budget for next year and looking at the purchase and timing of software version upgrades...etc.

    We currently have 6 licenses of Vfsu version 1.05.30 and are looking at purchasing additional licenses soon. So far, version 1.05.30 has been pretty good, we run windows 7 64bit and sketchup 7. My question is, what is the latest version of V-ray currently for sale (V. 1.48.96??), do we have to pay a fee to upgrade v. 1.05.30 to the latest version and does the latest version work well with Sketchup 8? I've been reading the forums and there's been lots of talk about issues with the latest version, how much of that has been problematic for people and has a more "stable" version been released or is planned on being released? Should we just stick with what works if it's not broken? But i hear that there's been lots of improvements with the 1.48.XX release.

    Having more than 200 employees, IT does not like to keep rolling out new versions of software so i would like to get a recommendation on which new version to go with if any, ideally we would like to time the purchase of new v-ray seats with upgrading our exisiting versions, plus the upgrade from sketchup 7 to 8 (which should happen first before installing new plug-ins). Any thoughts or insights would be really helpful. Thanks!!

  • #2
    Re: Vray for Sketchup Upgrade Question

    upgrading is free, and the only sketchup 8 problem is on mac with the current release. The current beta version works fine in SketchUp 8, and we will be releasing a public release as soon as we get a good thumbs up from our beta testers about any particular version. DR is a problem in the current release, and will be fixed in an update soon, but again, not until we get a thumbs up from our testers.

    The current release is 1.48.89, the current beta is 1.48.99.

    It works with any existing license files you have on your machines, so if you want to give it a whirl and see how it works for you, feel free to give it a try. If you don't like the way it's working for you, revert back to the old 1.05.30 release.
    Best regards,
    Devin Kendig

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      Re: Vray for Sketchup Upgrade Question

      I am very happy with most current beta (.99) they made some huge upupdates for me in this version and there is no looking back at the 1.05.30 version at all. Ambient Occ and Region Rendering are freaking huge, not to mention a rather large leap in render speed.

      I use SU 8 and have had no real issues. The only issue I ahve found is when you use the new Get Photo Texture tool and map the Google Streets Image to a face. VR doesnt really like this and renders the texture all distorted so you have to make sure and right click the face and click Make Unique Texture. Consider that my bug report for those of you ASGvisers that are watching this forum.

      As with any software, you will need install patches as they come along, but if its only 7-8 seats, that shouldn't be that huge of an issue. The guys at ASGVis are doing a fantastic job with this plugin. I say Green light that baby and get the hell out of the old version!!!
      Matthew Valero, ASAI


      • #4
        Re: Vray for Sketchup Upgrade Question

        Thanks DKENDIG for the summary and clarification, yup I need to give the current release a trail run. I do use DR alot though, so if it's completely broken, that might be a reason to keep with the older version?... . I guess i couldnt press any future release timeline out of you eh.. i know i know, it'll be done when it's done, best not rush the testing phase ;D

        VALEROSTUDIO - I agree, kudos to the ASGVis team for a great product, there's been lots of requests from our sketchup users for more licenses!

