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Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

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  • Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

    i don't have any rectangle lights in my scene,i wanted to use the method for high-resolution render in two stages - in first,i just render my lighting maps withot final render in half of final output size,in the second,use in these maps from file for final render,
    i get this result

    Anybody knows if this method only works with rectungular lights?there is any alternative way for saving time in high-resolution render when i don't have rect.lights in my scene?

    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

    This is crazy. I just tried what you are doing, and I get the same blue shapes in my image. I hardly ever use rectangle lights, so I guess this problem never cropped up. It's a great trick to save the LC and irmap maps to render the larger image, but there has got to be a way around this for rectangular lights.

    *edit: I've tried turning on or off "Store in Irrad. Map" in the light settings, to no avail. I wonder if this is a bug. I don't recall having this problem before. (I used this method to do animations before in an earlier version of vray, maybe I didn't have rectangular lights.)


    • #3
      Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

      i was very glad to use this way to render for saving time,it's almost a half time to render,it was with rectangular lights with "Store in" turn on,
      but i was getting these annoying color waves in different places,not only in ceiling(what i asked in another topic,and you advised me to increase Hsph.subdivisions)
      but when i turned off "Store in Irrad.Map" in rect.light settings or just don't have rect.lights in my scene at all,i recevied this very colorful avangard image,that isn't so photorealistic ;D
      it's a pity that i can't save render time in high-resolution,after all,we all want to get good render results in rational time


      • #4
        Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

        Hi Andybot,
        since you are saying, you hardly ever used rectangular lights or don't use them at all,you have succeed to use this method of saving the IR and Lc maps to render large images?
        because,how i said before,i only get this colorful shapes when i don't use rect.lights or turn off"Store in Irrad.Map" light settings


        • #5
          Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

          how strange - I only get this when I have a rectangle light in my image. I use this method all the time (saved maps) - especially to render displacement- but I only ever use spot lights or ies lights. It's been a long time since I've used a rectangle light in my scene.

          *edit: AAACK, IT'S EVERYWHERE!!!! I tried a file I thought worked before with just spot lights and omni lights, and the stupid thing has the green globs everywhere.... There's gotta be a bug in here somewhere cause I've never had this happen before, and I've definitely used saved maps before.


          • #6
            Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

            This is a bug. I also have the same issue.


            • #7
              Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

              How recent is this? I've used this method successfully with the current version on exterior scenes with no lights. I think the last version I used saved maps with was with 1.48.83


              • #8
                Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                I've only tested this once, and so far it works on a scene where I got the blobs before:

                -render the scene with the global switch option for "Don't Render Image" checked. When the image is done, then save the maps. Render again with the saved maps "from file" with the "don't render image" unchecked.

                Originally posted by deanfitton
                if i understand your problems correctly.... fernando is trying to show you how you can cut down on calculating times for illumination with irr map, light cache etc etc.

                1. GLOBAL SWITCHES in OPTIONS EDITOR and tick/check DONT RENDER IMAGE.
                2. Set your irradiance maps and light cache settings
                3. Set the OUTPUT size to half the size that the final render will be ei if you want a 3000px wide image set it to 1500px. You can make the size a quater but it may cause undesirable effects.
                4. RENDER - you should see Vray fly round as normal, but it will not render the finished image. Once finished...
                5. OPEN the OPTIONS EDITOR
                6. Under the IRR MAP (If thats your primary engine of course) you should see at the bottom of the roll-out a sub-title called CURRENT MAP with 2 options SAVE and RESET and some data figures to the right.
                7. Click SAVE and save this file to somewhere you can remember.
                8. Repeat steps 6 & 7 for the LIGHT CACHE (Again if this is your secondary engine)
                9. Once both MAPS are saved go back to the IRR MAP rollout and under the sub-title called MODE change the model spin box from SINGLE FRAME to FROM FILE. Below this spin box is FILE with a empty box next to it, navigate to where you saved the IRR MAP map and select it
                10. Do step 9 again for the LIGHT CACHE
                11. GLOBAL SWITCHES uncheck/un-tick DONT RENDER IMAGE
                12. Set the OUTPUT to the final render size.
                13. RENDER

                Now your buffer should arrive as normal completely black, and rather then watch Vray calculate the illumination gradually, it will just start rendering the final image instantly

                Kind Regards


                • #9
                  Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                  so far so good. It seems the don't render final image makes the difference. It may be that stopping the rendering when it starts to render the final image may be corrupting the map somehow, just guessing...


                  • #10
                    Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                    Actually I have this issue only on Windows 7, but is working fine on Windows XP.
                    What OS you are using?


                    • #11
                      Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                      My setup - Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit, 4gb memory. Sketchup 8M1. Vray 1.49.01

                      Stranger still... I have been playing around, changing different visopts and found the following:
                      This method only works with the map going to an autosave file. It doesn't actually write the file (why isn't autosave working??) I have to save it manually, but then it does work when I render the final image.


                      • #12
                        Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                        Stranger still... I have been playing around, changing different visopts and found the following:
                        This method only works with the map going to an autosave file. It doesn't actually write the file (why isn't autosave working??) I have to save it manually, but then it does work when I render the final image.
                        This is weird, should be a bug. Can you submit a ticket? Unless for now you found a workaround.


                        • #13
                          Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                          Hi andybot,

                          This method only works with the map going to an autosave file. It doesn't actually write the file (why isn't autosave working??) I have to save it manually, but then it does work when I render the final image.
                          if i understand you properly,you do succeed using this method, when you keep option for "Don't Render Image" unchecked?
                          saving maps manually and then render again, switching mode "From file" and using your pre-saved maps?


                          • #14
                            Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                            if i understand you properly,you do succeed using this method, when you keep option for "Don't Render Image" unchecked?
                            saving maps manually and then render again, switching mode "From file" and using your pre-saved maps?
                            Seem that we have a bug on Windows 7. So this is the workaround that Andybot found.

                            To save the IRR Map and LC solution.
                            1. Go to the "Global switches" and enable "Don't render Image" - This is to avoid the final render past and force V-Ray to stop after the GI calculation.
                            2. On Irr Map enable "Auto save" and select a path and a name for the Irr Map solution.
                            3. On LC enable "Auto save" and select a path and a name for LC solution
                            4. On Irr Map click "Save" to save the Irr Map solution - this is because another bug avoid that V-Ray automatically create the file on your hard drive when you have the "Auto save" option enable. So you have to do it manually.
                            5. On LC click "Save" to save the LC solution - this is because another bug avoid that V-Ray automatically create the file on your hard drive when you have the "Auto save" option enable. So you have to do it manually.
                            6. Change the Irr Map Mode to "From File"
                            7. Change the LC mode to "From File"
                            8. Go to "Global Switches" and disable the "Don't render Image" option
                            9. Click render

                            Now the saved GI solution should work.

                            This work around should work if you are getting the pre-saved GI solution issue mentioned in this thread. The issue is happening only with Windows 7. Whit the other OS you should not have any problems.


                            • #15
                              Re: Saving IR and Cache maps for high-resolution render

                              Hi Fredrogo,
                              thank you for your explanation,i do exactly how you said,but i do have Windows 7,
                              and probably because of that i have this issue.
                              in my scenes, i can use this method only with having rectangular lights and only with "Store in Irrad.Map" option enabled in rect.light settings

