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  • Newsletters...?

    So... I'm just wondering... are we going to continue getting nifty, helpful, informative Vray for Sketchup and Rhino newsletters, with handy videos from Fernando and the gang at the company formerly known as ASGVIS, or will we only be getting the <shout>VRAY FOR MAYA AND MAX</shout> newsletters?

    As cool as MAX and MAYA are, I'm a bit worried that we're going to be the ignored step-children....


  • #2
    Looks like your fears are being confirmed...


    • #3
      The idea is keep making video tutorials and material for the newsletter. I made one video showing how make a simple camera path animation on V-Ray for Rhino with 5 new materials. I'm not sure why we it was not included on the newsletter. May be I did it a little bit late. But we will continue with the video tutorial for V-Ray for Rhino and Sketchup every month instead of every next Tuesday.



      • #4
        Fernando... I'm really glad to hear you're going to be continuing the tutorials. It was always a high point of my day to see a new ASGVIS newsletter in my inbox! I'm a little sad to hear that it'll only be half as often now, and even then, you may get shouldered aside....



        • #5
          The plan is that I will keep doing the video tutorials for you guys. I really appreciate your interest.



          • #6
            I have to say that hands down the video tutorials and webinar training was most important asset that ASG brought to the table. Most SketchUp users are not professional viz guys and are looking to produce high quality stuff without having to scour the internet to get the knowledge. The thing that has made V-Ray for MAX so successful is its support base both in the Chaos forums and on the internet. I would really love to see more training for Vray for SketchUp.
            Matthew Valero, ASAI


            • #7
              Fernando... I haven't seen a new vray for sketchup newsletter since September.... I'm having withdrawl symptoms!

              What's up?



              • #8
                Fernando... I haven't seen a new vray for sketchup newsletter since September.... I'm having withdrawl symptoms!
                I hope we can make a new newsletter very soon and keep doing it every month. We want to combine V-Ray for Sketchup and V-Ray for Rhino in the same newsletter.



                • #9
                  Well, if I have to sacrifice newsletters to get some bug fixes (especially those related to materials losing/adding layers at random, and when importing), I'll do it.


                  • #10
                    Well, if I have to sacrifice newsletters to get some bug fixes (especially those related to materials losing/adding layers at random, and when importing), I'll do it.
                    During the Rhino development process we found and fixed some issues that also affect V-Ray for Sketchup including the mentioned issues. So I hope that we can have a new version of V-Ray for Sketchup after the V-Ray for Rhino development cycle done.



                    • #11
                      Excellent! Can't wait! As much as I was salivating over the demo videos for the new features in the Rhino beta (that I hope to see in a future Sketchup release), just being able to work reliably and steadily is much more urgent and important!

                      Happy Holidays!


                      • #12
                        So... Fernando old pal... Any vague idea of how long it might be before we see a VfSU bug-fix release, now that VfR is released?



                        • #13
                          Hi Dave
                          We want to start in a new build for VfSU, but to be honest I really don't know how long it will take us to put out a new version of VfSU. Right now we are fixing some issue in VfR. During this process of VfR we found and fixed a lot of common issues between VfR and VfSU. SO I guess it will not take to long to put a great VfSU build as soon as we start working on it.



                          • #14
                            I understand the situation... I'd just like to state, and I think I speak for pretty much everyone here, that as soon as possible, we'd LOVE a build that does NOTHING but fix the longstanding bugs that have crippled 1.49 for sooooo long! As much as we'd all love new stuff, just killing the existing problems would actually FEEL like a brand new version!




                            • #15
                              I think the post might have been on Sketchucation - but Devin already answered somewhere that they can't just put out a bug-fixed version of 1.49.01 because they're not using the same vray engine any more, and many things would not work in the (now a more than a year out-of-date) sketchup GUI. I think the new beta will be amazing, just wish it was here already...

