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Computer restarts. Software conflicts?

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  • Computer restarts. Software conflicts?

    Is anyone having this issue?? When I'm working in Sketchup with Vray on, occasionally my computer will just restart!!! It's not a full restart where you hear the chime, but rather, the screen goes gray, then black, then an alert popped up on the screen saying that the computer had to restart to fix a problem". My instinct says it might be a software conflict. Can anyone shed light on this issue? Help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    My configuration:
    iMac: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3

    SketchUp 2013
    Vray 2.0

  • #2
    I'm not a Mac user, but in Windows automatic restarts are almost always due to hardware or OS or driver issues, not software. All the Black/Blue Screens of Death I've ever had have eventually been diagnosed and fixed by replacing hardware, i.e. RAM and harddrives. I've had a bad HDD in a brand new laptop which made Windows 7 slow and bad RAM which caused 2 or 3 BSoDs per week. Since swapping out both I've not had any issues for over 2 years. I discussed this with the IT guy at my office, he said Quality Control is getting worse and worse in the computer industry: he's been seeing new computers which didn't even start up.

    If your iMac's under guarantee I'd take it back; the very least they can do is swap out the RAM and see if that fixes it.

    Good luck
    SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


    • #3
      Jackson. THANK YOU!! Your reply is greatly appreciated!!!!

