Dear Chaos Group,
I have been dealing with so many Vray/Sketchup issues that I'm almost ready to call it quits and move to a beach somewhere. I have a brand-spanking new, fully loaded iMac that came with Mountain Lion and I've had nothing but problems since Day One. I might have known I could be in trouble when I had to endure the most tedious installation process I've ever experienced. (Dongle? Really?) I contact support so often that the technician is fast approaching BFF status. If he lived closer I'd have him over for dinner. When I have a question about how to do something, I scour the forums. I scour the internet. Surprisingly, so much of what's out there is old information. What's that about? The video tutorials might be good if I could actually see them. Sub-titles should be mandatory on all YouTube videos.
Don't get me wrong. I completely understand the consequences of corrupt materials. Old components. Two documents open at the same time. Disabling Vray when modeling. I get it. But, how come I have yet to render a decent scene since moving to Mountain Lion? Technical difficulties? Sketchup is crashing. My computer is crashing likely due to incompatible software. Let me guess… Vray? Sketchup? It's been a week and I have a fast approaching deadline. Should I be worried?
Kinda feels like Obamacare: Part Deux. If it's not ready to launch… don't.
Hairless in L.A.
I have been dealing with so many Vray/Sketchup issues that I'm almost ready to call it quits and move to a beach somewhere. I have a brand-spanking new, fully loaded iMac that came with Mountain Lion and I've had nothing but problems since Day One. I might have known I could be in trouble when I had to endure the most tedious installation process I've ever experienced. (Dongle? Really?) I contact support so often that the technician is fast approaching BFF status. If he lived closer I'd have him over for dinner. When I have a question about how to do something, I scour the forums. I scour the internet. Surprisingly, so much of what's out there is old information. What's that about? The video tutorials might be good if I could actually see them. Sub-titles should be mandatory on all YouTube videos.
Don't get me wrong. I completely understand the consequences of corrupt materials. Old components. Two documents open at the same time. Disabling Vray when modeling. I get it. But, how come I have yet to render a decent scene since moving to Mountain Lion? Technical difficulties? Sketchup is crashing. My computer is crashing likely due to incompatible software. Let me guess… Vray? Sketchup? It's been a week and I have a fast approaching deadline. Should I be worried?
Kinda feels like Obamacare: Part Deux. If it's not ready to launch… don't.
Hairless in L.A.