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External Render

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  • External Render

    Hi, I am fairly new to v-ray and am trying to render a external street scene for a university project. I would be grateful if anyone could answer the following:

    1. How can I drop a vrya sky into the background?
    2. Best render setting for a external render? I would like to achieve a render time under 4/5 hours, but still have a good quality image as this will be printed at A1.

    I've been having quite a few issues with sketchup bug splats too, which I have not been able to resolve.

    I have attached an image of the scene I am trying to render. Any tips or tricks will be appreciated, thank you in advance.

  • #2
    What are your system specs? You can save out a .png and just past a sky in the background, or if you want accurate reflections, you can use the default dome light, and turn your sun and environment off.


    • #3
      Hi Im running Windows 7, Intel core processor, 64 bit and 8gb RAM. I have the latest version of sketchup pro and vray. I will try and turn the sun and enviroment off. Thank you for your reply.

