I rendered a couple of test animations yesterday in VfSU 3.6, but although I've checked "Use Camera Path" in IM and LC upon reviewing the animation it's obvious that LC has only been calculated for the first frame as a bunch of ugly LC artifact "shadows" appear behind pillars and walls when the camera moves past them. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong, in the old VfSU the "fly through" setting always worked a treat.
I rendered a couple of test animations yesterday in VfSU 3.6, but although I've checked "Use Camera Path" in IM and LC upon reviewing the animation it's obvious that LC has only been calculated for the first frame as a bunch of ugly LC artifact "shadows" appear behind pillars and walls when the camera moves past them. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong, in the old VfSU the "fly through" setting always worked a treat.