In the VFB you can set and safe the layer order in a preset. When you for instance always use the same render elements, all images and layers will be the same construction wise. In the VFB in the left top corner just under the menu bar, you can open the layer selection. When opened the the order of the layers is different then in layers panel at the right side. So when you choose to safe a render in the Asset Editor > settings Tab and choose EXR-file multichannel and open the rendered file with all its channels in Affinity Photo the layer stack is again different plus there are extra channels like worldNormals[X][Y][Z] etcetera. I would like to suggest an easy to understand layer stack which is the same in the VFB layer-panel and in the EXR-file when opened in an external editor (Affinity Photo or PS). I suggest the layer stack in the VFB layer panel to be up side down / reversed with at the bottom the layer effectResultRGB and other layers on top of it. When you set your preset of layers it must be the same in the safed EXR-file, without unnacessary extra layers. And at last, the blending modes set in the preset belonging to each layer / render element with its opacity setting, must be copied in the EXR-file. Then the layer stacks in the VFB and opended EXR-files are the same in order and all settings. When rendering an animation with 3000 images, it is posible just to batch process all renders. In the current situation, the diffuse element is somewhere in the middle of the stack but for me at the wrong place. It is not possible in Affinity to record a batch command which places a layer higher or lower in the stack. Therefor V-ray needs to be set the desired layer order.
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Render elements layer stack
I'm joining this topic and would like to add my request.
I understand that the order of Layers in Display Correction and the order of Render Elements in Composite is important for a correct result.
So :
1-Would it be possible to know the "official" order of all these different elements or layers in relation to each other?
2-Would it be possible, when creating all these different elements or layers for V-Ray to classify them directly in the right order in relation to each other?
I hope I've made myself clear.
My post complements Richard's above.
Windows 10 - RTX 3090 - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X - 128 Go RAM
Sketchup PRO 24.0.594 + V-Ray 7.00.01
3DS Max 2024.2.7 + V-Ray 6.20.06
3DS Max 2025.3 + V-Ray 7.00.04
Chaos Vantage 2.7
GeForce Studio Ready Driver Version 566.14