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animation linking

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  • animation linking

    We are all very excited to have a new rendering engine to play with from sketchup. Previously we have used the maxwell plugin and are generally happy however I really really like the speed of the rendering and the way the rendering follows the cursor. The high speed of renders has got me hopeful about some form of animation export - is there any plans to impliment this?


  • #2
    animation linking


    Yes, we are currently working on the implementation of animation between pages in SketchUp.

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Corey Rubadue

    Chaos Group


    • #3

      Yes, would be nice to export anim.
      We could use the mode parameters in IrrMap with "Add curr irr map", etc...


      • #4
        animation linking

        This is great news... getting more and more closer for a buy here.
        Fluke73<br />==============================<br /> - private (has gallery)<br /> - my company


        • #5
          animation linking

          Alright - sorry for joining in on this thread so late. I've been too busy lately on other projects.

          Does this really mean that the final version will be able to generate a video sequence??

          If Yes - will the user be able to:
          1) Set-up FPS?
          2) Output size/resolution?
          3) Will transition between cams be identical to the settings inside SU?
          4) Will VfSU generate all images as i.e. JPG's, which the user then can assemble in i.e. Virtualdub or will VfSU generate the i.e. AVI-file??

          Please tell me more... Tell me more...


          • #6
            animation linking

            1) Set-up FPS?
            2) Output size/resolution?
            3) Will transition between cams be identical to the settings inside SU?
            I'm not sure I follow your question, but if you are asking if the camera "path" will be the same as it is in Sketchup, then Yes
            4) Will VfSU generate all images as i.e. JPG's, which the user then can assemble in i.e. Virtualdub or will VfSU generate the i.e. AVI-file??
            We will most likely just dump out the individual frames and leave it to the end-user to put it together as they please. This seems to be the most desirable way for our users.
            Best regards,
            Joe Bacigalupa

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              animation linking

              Yes it would save each frame as an individual image. You would then have to use another program (premiere, after affects, combustion) to put it all together in a movie. Its much better that way. If something goes wrong you don't loose a whole animation, just one frame, and you can control the final quality of the movie better.
              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


              • #8
                animation linking

                This is really GREAT!!

                I won't regret that I bought a licence - that's for sure!!

                Kim Frederik


                • #9
                  animation linking

                  Hi everyone,

                  I think I've seen some examples from Maxwell's website doing this, and I guess if would it be very difficult to implement it in VfSU.

                  I made this animation manually using PhotoShop and Camtasia Studio but it would be really neat if you could establish a 'beginning' picture and an 'ending' picture to obtain a gradual animation like this one, to see different light setups.

                  Note: this is an animated gif file (gif = poor image quality )

                  I'm very happy with Beta 3!




                  • #10
                    animation linking

                    It appears you just posted a bitmap - or maybe its just me but I'm not seeing any changing in the image. Perhaps you could post a link to show us what it is you saw on the Maxwell site- I think I know what your referring to, but I'm not sure.
                    Best regards,
                    Joe Bacigalupa

                    Chaos Group


                    • #11
                      animation linking

                      Ok, your browser might not play animated gifs properly.

                      Here is a link to the video but in Flash Video format. (requires flash player 8 or higher): cooper_residence.html

                      If you go to under gallery->videos->Multilight you have some neat examples.



