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"componentable" lights

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  • "componentable" lights

    i read the fixes an addintions for the new RC, but it didnt mension anything about lights (except a new type of light and fixing the IES function),will lights ie Point lights, be able to inserted into components? this is probably the only problem i have with vray for SU

  • #2
    Re: "componentable" lights

    yeah me too,
    it would be a great improvement having to edit only one light in a components of lights.
    it would be an ease not to change them one by one.
    Viva Las Islas Felipinas!


    • #3
      Re: "componentable" lights too! it'll be much easier if we can component the lights..
      &quot;We provide three types of service: Quick, Cheap &amp; Good. You may select any two.<br />If it&#39;s Quick and Cheap, it won&#39;t be Good;<br />If it&#39;s Cheap and Good, it won&#39;t be Quick;<br />And if it&#39;s Good and Quick, it certainly won&#39;t be Cheap!&quot;


      • #4
        Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

        Originally posted by Aizen too! it'll be much easier if we can component the lights..
        You already can. Since SR1.
        Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


        • #5
          Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

          I had no idea this feature had been implemented already- thanks for the tip Thom!
          SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


          • #6
            Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

            new member!!!

            is there any light such target spot,target direct,free direct,etc in vFsu like in vray4max?not only rectangular light and omni light....


            • #7
              Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

              Nopes. Point and rectangular is all we have at the moment.

              But from snooping around in the files that V-Ray installs it seems that they've been looking into IES and spot lights. As for if it's something that'll ever be implemented, I don't know. Would be nice though.
              Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


              • #8
                Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                It doesn't have anything to do with not being able to render them, its more of an issue of how are they dealt with in SU. We just need to add the geometry, and make a way for them to be edited in a manner that's conforms with some of the standard ways that lights are modified. Spot lights are the biggest culprit, since there's the main cone and the fall off cone that need to have their base scaled. Direct light should be much simpler, but still need a little bit of special treatment. The intent is to have these within the next full version.
                Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                • #9
                  Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                  Very interesting.
                  These IES lights, does that mean we can load IES lighting data to the lights?
                  Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                  • #10
                    Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                    • #11
                      Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                      Eeeeexcellent! That alone is worth the next version. ;D
                      Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                      • #12
                        Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                        When is the new version going to be released? Has beta testing started yet?



                        • #13
                          Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                          Of VfSU idea. Testing, no. We've got the VfSU 4 Mac milestone to get through first, which should be finishing up in a few months. Testing for that should be starting soon. You can consider that the reworking of the ASGvis Core, so development that happens there benefits everyone.
                          Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                          • #14
                            Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                            All these improvements sound really encouraging. Getting anxious now for the new version. One thing that I think would be very beneficial is some sort of tutorials/documentation at least getting a little more in depth about the updates and how new features actually function, and how previous items have changed from the previous v-ray version to the next. Im not sure if this type of documentation exists for the previous update, but I have not had any luck finding anything...has anyone else? For example, light values and behaviors greatly changed from the last version to the current and It would be very beneficial to have a better understanding of what changed and how the new ones work. I just think it would help keep from doing a bunch of test renderings to try and figure out all the different effects and settings in the new version. Think this is possible?


                            • #15
                              Re: &quot;componentable&quot; lights

                              Well, you assume that we know exactly how everything is going to work, and that everything is planned to a T. That's just not the case, and even if it was, the plan would probably be scrapped halfway through the development cycle.

                              The reality of the situation is this. We know which are the new features that we want to add. However, the core aspects of VfSU/R have been getting a lot of attention recently, so much of the work on these new features has not actually started yet. A good number of the specifics on how these features are implemented are just not known yet because A)we may know that we want a given feature, but not know exactly how we want to work with it B)how we intend to work with a prospective feature may need to change once we actually sit down in front of it and get to play with it C)there may unforeseen limitations that come up during development that may change how we can work with a given feature.

                              So, as much as I'd like to put documentation together about how all these new things work we're no where near that stage yet. This kind of documentation has not been something that we've put together in the past, but it is very much something that I would like to do for the next release.
                              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

