a more defined lighting chanel (like the z depth channel) that you can select (in photoshop) the area that a light effects, accuratly enough that with some photoshop level changes you can edit it enough to make it apear that the light was never on to begin with.
further it would probably be even more helpful if there were separate chanels for each light... and im really pushing it now (muhahahaha) but give them a .PSD output so u can save all the layers separately within ONE file (perhaps tiff would work similarily???)but i understand if this isnt considered as it doesnt accomodate and those silly non-photoshop users
can i get fries with that?
further it would probably be even more helpful if there were separate chanels for each light... and im really pushing it now (muhahahaha) but give them a .PSD output so u can save all the layers separately within ONE file (perhaps tiff would work similarily???)but i understand if this isnt considered as it doesnt accomodate and those silly non-photoshop users

can i get fries with that?