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Click and stick for "track mouse while rendering"

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  • Click and stick for "track mouse while rendering"

    Re: the final pass "Track mouse while rendering" feature it'd be much more useful if you could just click once on the scene and VfSU would prioritise rendering from that point until you click somewhere else. This way you can continute to work in SU (or other progs) while VfSU renders in the background without your mouse movements constantly altering VfSU's render priority.
    SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0

  • #2
    Re: Click and stick for "track mouse while rendering"

    Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


    • #3
      Re: Click and stick for "track mouse while rendering"

      Yep, this one has come to mind but I'm just not sure if we actually have that option. It shouldn't be too hard (just override the mouses position with a fixed one), but we'll see. This is tagged as one of those little things that would be pretty nice, but won't be a make or break. As much as I'd like this, I don't think its going to be a major selling point...per object props, proxies, etc will ;D
      Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


      • #4
        Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

        o_O did you say proxies..? ;D
        Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


        • #5
          Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

          hate to be a thread hijacker but i think a better feature and one already exists in vray for max, would be to draw a rectangular marquee (rectangle) on the frame buffer that vray will only render inside of (prepasses AND final render) with little sizing toggles for adjustments...
          perfect for fixes... seeing as i cant get a decent selection channel ;D


          • #6
            Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

            Originally posted by Free Agent
            hate to be a thread hijacker but i think a better feature and one already exists in vray for max, would be to draw a rectangular marquee (rectangle) on the frame buffer that vray will only render inside of (prepasses AND final render) with little sizing toggles for adjustments...
            perfect for fixes... seeing as i cant get a decent selection channel ;D
            yeap FA they call it render region...


            • #7
              Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

              Dalomar will no doubt correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it's possible to use render region (or even click and stiok) with VfSU for prepasses as their calculations are based on the size and content of the whole render. If you do a render of a whole scene and then use a very long focal length to zoom in on a part of your model and compare the detail with the whole render they can differ considerably.
              SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


              • #8
                Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                Well, regardless of how much of the scene is rendered, V-Ray always needs to load the whole scene. When using render region, prepasses are only calculated for the region set. With setting a "mouse click point" that would still require all of the prepasses to be calculated.

                For the record (and I believe I've said this before), the main issue with render regions is how does one specify the region to be rendered? In other applications you can just draw a rectangle on top of the viewport, but since SU does not offer us any direct way to do this, we do not have this capability. So how would you specify the region? I don't really know, so your suggestions would be welcomed
                Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                • #9
                  Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                  draw it right on the Frame buffer... u have to render something first, to enable frame buffer, and to see what u want to region (thanks nomeradona i was requesting it like it never existed sneaky that way). just run a quick ligjt cache and stop the render, then reopen the frame buffer and create region, its a bit of a workaround but at least it should be possible.


                  • #10
                    Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                    Sounds like a pretty good suggestion. Not sure if we could do that within the frame buffer, but there's a better chance of that than doing it in SU.
                    Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude


                    • #11
                      Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                      ahhhh.... really need a render region takes so long to have to wait for a whole new irradience mapping, when all i need it for is a tiny fix... sorry bad experience at work.


                      • #12
                        Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                        seems this click and stick is already built in...

                        if i hold my mouse over an area while mouse tracking is on, then hit alt+tab to flip to a different window (ie photoshop) when u switch back after a while u see its been rendering around that point ur mouse last touched...


                        • #13
                          Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                          Ah. It only traces the cursor when the render window is the active window. Nice find.
                          Please mention what V-Ray and SketchUp version you are using when posting questions.


                          • #14
                            Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                            Not quite, the VfSU frame buffer traces the cursor whenever the cursor is over any visible area on your screen. So if your frame buffer is maximised and then while you're rendering you open a smaller window, e.g. your internet browser, then any time the cursor goes outside the active window it changes the render priority in VfSU. Of course if another active window is maximised then it'll completely obscure the frame buffer so the render priority will remain unaltered. This is why click and stick or render region would be an improvement, so you could just click and then forget about it while you work/browse in other progs. It's also annoying when you're rendering a real high quality image, with lots of bump and anisotropy making for a verrrry sloooow final pass and just by going back to look at the VfSU Frame Buffer you alter the render priority when you're trying to sort out a problem area/material in the render.
                            SU 2018 + VfSU 4.0


                            • #15
                              Re: Click and stick for &quot;track mouse while rendering&quot;

                              Interesting to know, and yes this is on the wish list...although its definitely very low. As of right now, this is not actually possible, since the framebuffer is not extensible (ie, we can't change it). For reasons I won't go into, that may change.
                              Damien Alomar<br />Generally Cool Dude

