I see a lot of tutorials people talking about Lightmass, and also baking their scene files.
I am confused when it comes to the new Raytracing feature inside the Unreal Engine.
When using RTX and DX12, why would I need to bake?
I am going to use Raytraycing for GI, Reflections, AO, and Refraction.
My workflow thoughts on this for Vray:
3dsmax & Vray --> import .vrscene into Unreal to have the advantage to have three options.
3dsmax & Vray offline Render
Unreal & Vray offline Render
Unreal & Realtime Raytracing Engine
and what I love about Vray.. I get similar results, shaders, etc.
But heck.. if I am going to raytrace everything.. why would I still need to consider Lightmass & Baking?
Heeeeeelpppppp... lol;
time for a beer!
I am confused when it comes to the new Raytracing feature inside the Unreal Engine.
When using RTX and DX12, why would I need to bake?
I am going to use Raytraycing for GI, Reflections, AO, and Refraction.
My workflow thoughts on this for Vray:
3dsmax & Vray --> import .vrscene into Unreal to have the advantage to have three options.
3dsmax & Vray offline Render
Unreal & Vray offline Render
Unreal & Realtime Raytracing Engine
and what I love about Vray.. I get similar results, shaders, etc.
But heck.. if I am going to raytrace everything.. why would I still need to consider Lightmass & Baking?
Heeeeeelpppppp... lol;
time for a beer!
