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Which Particles Can VRay GPU Render?

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  • Which Particles Can VRay GPU Render?

    I'm hoping to get a definitive answer on which particles Vray GPU can render. I think the max Particle systems work but I also have Phoenix FD and don't think they work and Tyflow - I believe they need to be exported as a cache to render with GPU.
    Is this correct?

  • #2
    All three mentioned should work. Make sure you add a "Mesh" node when working with tyFlow. What doesn't work with PhoenixFD on your end? Provide a sample scene and screencaps so we can take a look. Otherwise, here's a list of the supported GPU features.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, I downloaded the sample file from the help documents;

      I simulated a few frames and rendered (the default renderer is VRay CPU) this worked fine but, I changed the renderer to GPU and it renders black - two screen grabs are attached.

      Hopefully, it's something simple I'm missing?

      Thanks, N
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Phoenix_FD_Particles_CPU.JPG
Views:	514
Size:	171.5 KB
ID:	1127235Click image for larger version

Name:	Phoenix_FD_Particles_GPU.JPG
Views:	493
Size:	154.4 KB
ID:	1127236


      • #4
        Hello NorthVisualStudio

        Phoenix particles can be rendered on GPU using the Phoenix Particle Shader (except for Points and Cellular modes, both are on our to-do list)
        Here is a list of the supported features

        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist


        • #5
          Thanks Muhammed, that works. I assume you mean the ParticleTex instead of Particle Shader?

          The ParticleTex renders but there is something not working correctly, see below;
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Particle Tex render.JPG Views:	0 Size:	260.3 KB ID:	1127266
          When I use the noise map, it looks correct, there are some white pixels though;
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Noise Map render.JPG Views:	0 Size:	287.9 KB ID:	1127267
          Last edited by NorthVisualStudio; 14-10-2021, 03:56 AM.


          • #6

            Just a note that the white dots that you're seeing are reflections from the light. You have a lot of tiny bubbles that are reflecting the light source.
            If you leave the render long enough - the noise will clear and the reflections will look a lot more uniform.

            Alternatively you can go and disable the affect reflections checkbox for the lights and the reflections will be gone.

            Also note that, while the Noise texture will work over the particles it won't stick to them as they move. So it won't look good in animation.
            For animations you will need the Phoenix Particle texture that reads the particle color, sadly this texture is still in the to do list for V-Ray GPU support and this is why the scene renders black when you try to render it using GPU.

            Added one more vote for the Points and Particle Texture support in out system.

            Georgi Zhekov
            Phoenix Product Manager

