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Tuto on optimizing GPU anim rendering on Max

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  • Tuto on optimizing GPU anim rendering on Max

    Hi all
    I'm looking for Tuto on how to optimizing GPU animation rendering on Max.

    I found this one :
    But this tuto is for Vray 6-2 and as I want to use my Vray GPU 6-2.1 (because I have a bi-3090 rtx so I guess it makes sense) so there seems to be a lot of difference.
    For example there are no bucket options)

    So do you have links to Vray GPU animation rendering (on Max)?
    (Max 2025 + Vray GPU 6 - 2.1)

  • #2
    Hi, thanks for posting.
    so there seems to be a lot of difference
    The tutorial you referenced explains mostly V-Ray CPU settings and GPU settings for IPR. Are you sure you are not mistaken V-Ray GPU settings with V-Ray CPU settings?
    What exactly do you need to improve about your animation? The default settings will give you a good starting point for rendering. For animation rendering switch the GPU Light Cache mode to animation.
    Memory optimisations are vital for GPU rendering. Make sure you have enough memory for your scene.
    Vladimir Krastev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thanks for answering.

      I switched switch the GPU light cache mode to animation.
      I dont really need memory optimisation as my GPUs memory is only 20% full (it's not a heavy scene).

      But the result is very grainy., how to correct that?

      Despite those memory optimisation where are the render quality settings?
      (Max 2025 + Vray GPU 6 - 2.1)


      • #4
        Hi, if by grainy you mean noisy then you could use the V-Ray Denoiser or you could reduce your noise thresh hold and increase your samples.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	download?id=1mn6lfiSreJcXDTWTVMECjCUtabBz-D64&authuser=0.png
Views:	327
Size:	77.6 KB
ID:	1213943
        The Denoiser won't affect your render times but increasing the sampler settings will. Very heavy use of the denoiser could affect the image quality in a negative way, producing artefacts along sharp edges, blurry materials, etc.
        Vladimir Krastev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5

          I think that by and large Vladimir summed it up real nicely - lower the noise threshold (how much noise / "grain" you want in the image) and increase the sample limit so that you don't run into the ending the render because you ran out of samples. If you are using LC as your GI solver then considering upping the subdivisions to 3000 or 6000 too. For the most part those are typically the only things I tweak as well.

          Beyond that I think we are starting to talk about specific situations and scenarios where you'd start tweaking the other parameters to try and get the most out of your render times aka min maxing the thing kind of - or if you're running into a rather unusual scene that needs extra attention for that optimal rendering experience

          As for the denoiser, you can typically go with whichever you prefer (they produce different results) but do note you still want to end up with a decent / relatively noise free image before you're denoising it. After all, if you've got a super noisy image a denoiser can hardly turn it into something usable

          Hope that helps!


          • #6
            Thanks for the help
            (Max 2025 + Vray GPU 6 - 2.1)

