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VrayRT price confusion

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  • VrayRT price confusion

    i just got informed by trinity3d that the price of my purchase had to be raised to 355$ instead of 299$, because i ordered from europe.

    i'd like to know the reason for this, since the price doesn't even include sales tax, which would be mandatory for european transactions.

    if the price of 350€ includes sales tax (20% in bulgaria?), that would explain the price difference, but in that case i wouldn't be able to buy from an american reseller, because i'd need an invoice with quoted tax then (to get that stupid tax refunded from the finance office).

    please clarify...
    Last edited by plastic_; 02-06-2009, 02:16 PM.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

  • #2
    Just order from Vismasters ! Never had to pay extra there !


    • #3
      Originally posted by trick View Post
      Just order from Vismasters ! Never had to pay extra there !
      What???....the charged me 35$ today for shipping.



      • #4
        I thought the shipping options were an error and they still needed to change that to "download only"...


        • #5
          I will send them an e-mail and ask them.



          • #6
            I'll try to get some of the sales people to comment on that.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7

              Dear Mr. Lorenz,

              Hi, I am Teddy from Sales @ Chaos and I will do my best to explain.

              About 2 weeks ago (the 17th of May) we posted on the website the news that we start V-Ray RT sales on the 1st of June. (news ID 118 ). Newsletters have been sent to all clients subscribed to our newsletter like you.

              In these two it is clearly stated that official price for EU countries will be 249EUR. The equivalent of 249 EUR would be 355 USD (yesterday's euro/USD currency exchange rate)

              It has nothing to do with VAT, really 355 USD is the price with no VAT added.


              Originally posted by plastic_ View Post
              i just got informed by trinity3d that the price of my purchase had to be raised to 355$ instead of 299$, because i ordered from europe.

              i'd like to know the reason for this, since the price doesn't even include sales tax, which would be mandatory for european transactions.

              if the price of 350€ includes sales tax (20% in bulgaria?), that would explain the price difference, but in that case i wouldn't be able to buy from an american reseller, because i'd need an invoice with quoted tax then (to get that stupid tax refunded from the finance office).

              please clarify...
              Last edited by teodora.ilieva; 03-06-2009, 01:56 AM.


              • #8
                I'm confused too. I ordered for $299 (Trinity) but after receiving a receipt and confirmation email I have now been informed the price has gone up. As far as I can tell the retailer should honour the price that was agreed at the time of sale (according to UK law at least!)...

                Will vismasters also be charging EU customers extra above the price published on their website?
                Many Thanks


                • #9
                  Originally posted by teodorski41 View Post
                  Dear Mr. Lorenz,

                  Hi, I am Teddy from Sales @ Chaos and I will do my best to explain.

                  About 2 weeks ago (the 17th of May) we posted on the website the news that we start V-Ray RT sales on the 1st of June. (news ID 118 ). Newsletters have been sent to all clients subscribed to our newsletter like you.

                  In these two it is clearly stated that official price for EU countries will be 249EUR. The equivalent of 249 EUR would be 355 USD (yesterday's euro/USD currency exchange rate)

                  It has nothing to do with VAT, really 355 USD is the price with no VAT added.


                  Maybe Im not reading this right... theres no real explanation as to why you are penalising EU customers. By your own admition you know that 249 EUR is not $300.

                  Why not simply charge eveyone the same thing - theres no product to ship, theres no actual manafacturing costs (other than the dongle... Which I had to pay for when other users didnt), why not simply charge eveyone $300-$350, but find a price and stick to it.

                  I appreciatethe fantastic value that Vray has been over the years, I would even be happy to pay for it again if that payment was fair, But when its so obviosly unfair people get upset.
                  Last edited by mdi; 04-06-2009, 01:27 AM.


                  • #10
                    Iv posted this twice because there are two threads about the same thing......

                    Well, Iv just heard back about my RT Asgvis order. Turns out its NOT Chaos Groups policy to sell RT to me at the same rate as the rest of the non EU world - other than simple discrimation I really cant think why Chaos Group would do this, Iv asked for an explanation but no one seems willing to talk about it.

                    Even though Vlado said he didnt care were we got our copys of VrayRT somone at Chaos group clearly does.

                    Also..I dont really want to deal with BlueGFX, does anyone know of any other uk based resellers?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mdi View Post
                      Also..I dont really want to deal with BlueGFX, does anyone know of any other uk based resellers?
                      Please see my reply in the other thread.

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mdi View Post
                        Well, Iv just heard back about my RT Asgvis order. Turns out its NOT Chaos Groups policy to sell RT to me at the same rate as the rest of the non EU world - other than simple discrimation I really cant think why Chaos Group would do this, Iv asked for an explanation but no one seems willing to talk about it.

                        Even though Vlado said he didnt care were we got our copys of VrayRT somone at Chaos group clearly does.
                        I'd also like to know the score on these points...
                        Set V-Ray class properties en masse with the VMC script
                        Follow me for script updates: @ollyspolys


                        • #13

                          Dear all,

                          When prices were set up those were the same in EUR and USD.

                          Because of the currency rate EUR/USD they differ now.

                          You understand that we can not correct prices every day, depending on the daily currency exchange rate.

                          Sales Team
                          Technical Support
                          Chaos Group


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ChaosGroup View Post
                            Dear all,

                            When prices were set up those were the same in EUR and USD.

                            Because of the currency rate EUR/USD they differ now.

                            You understand that we can not correct prices every day, depending on the daily currency exchange rate.

                            Sales Team
                            my problem is not with the price - well, not with the exchange rate, I actualy think the price is very good (both US/Euro), and knowing CG ill get plenty of use out of it before the next pay for update. My problem is CG not not allowing me to buy from the States to save myself money.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mdi View Post
                              my problem is not with the price - well, not with the exchange rate, I actualy think the price is very good (both US/Euro), and knowing CG ill get plenty of use out of it before the next pay for update. My problem is CG not not allowing me to buy from the States to save myself money.

                              i think the issue is another one: european dealers complaining. price fixing.
                              it' not uncommon, it's the same with autodesk, etc.
                              but i'd prefer a honest answer.
                              Marc Lorenz
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