I would like to know what parameters are involved in the vrayrt calculations.
For example on vray manual I readed that antialiasing has to be disabled when I use the progressive path tracing rendering method.
With VrayRT enabled when I change every single Vray parameter VrayRT restarts the rendering...why?
If I switch from lightcache to Bruteforce or I change parameters that VrayRT doesn't use the render restarts...
Would be nice to lock all the parameters that aren't involved with VrayRT.
I would like to know what parameters are involved in the vrayrt calculations.
For example on vray manual I readed that antialiasing has to be disabled when I use the progressive path tracing rendering method.
With VrayRT enabled when I change every single Vray parameter VrayRT restarts the rendering...why?
If I switch from lightcache to Bruteforce or I change parameters that VrayRT doesn't use the render restarts...
Would be nice to lock all the parameters that aren't involved with VrayRT.