(hope this is the right forum section...)
looks pretty cool, although rendertimes are far from realtime
also - since it's a standalone renderer, it supports lots of 3d software via plugins.
it seems that octane is heavily supported/promoted by nvidia, so no OpenCL support as 'OpenCL is currently not as mature as CUDA.' (quote from the official octane FAQ).
I'm still waiting for V-Ray RT GPU to toy with, I'm pretty sure it will blow Octane out of the water. But until then it's nice to know there are other toys. It's very good for the market, and mostly to us users
Any of you guys tried Octane yet? How does it compare to V-Ray RT GPU? (obviously this question is for Vlado and all you lucky beta testers out there)
looks pretty cool, although rendertimes are far from realtime

also - since it's a standalone renderer, it supports lots of 3d software via plugins.
it seems that octane is heavily supported/promoted by nvidia, so no OpenCL support as 'OpenCL is currently not as mature as CUDA.' (quote from the official octane FAQ).
I'm still waiting for V-Ray RT GPU to toy with, I'm pretty sure it will blow Octane out of the water. But until then it's nice to know there are other toys. It's very good for the market, and mostly to us users

Any of you guys tried Octane yet? How does it compare to V-Ray RT GPU? (obviously this question is for Vlado and all you lucky beta testers out there)