Here are some of the Questions for users of RT are wanting info on. I figured I’d put it all in one place. We built our systems to fully render on RT, we are more than impressed with the speed and interactivity of the renderer. But after diving into a few projects we found RT unusable do to its lack of support for basic and everyday used features. We want to see this progress and grow, not only because we invested into GPU’s but because this seems to be the future. I tried to put the questions in number of importance.
1) When will Bump Mapping and Reflection mapping be fixed? (RT is pretty useless without this)
2) When is the ram display or ram issue going to be fixed? Still shows RT using 2x the ram than ADV.
3) Procedural maps will be a huge plus if we can get those to work for Bumpmap slot? But “1” needs to be fixed first.
4) Why is RT Cpu so limited. We have Progressive rendering in ADV, why can’t that be made to just continuously render? Corona has a great CPU interactive renderer showcasing this. This would be huge.
5) Irradiance map would be great on GPU for the speed. What does the timing look like on this though?
6) What more as users can we provide to help this along? With pascal coming out with 32gb of ram, I see the way of the Cpu gone if GPU supported everything. The speed difference is immense compared to Cpu’s which don’t seem to be gaining much speed at all with every new release.
7) Forest pack pro is a huge part of Vray user’s workflow, how can we get better support for it in RT for its shaders?
When is the next release of service pack that addresses RT?
Thank you Chaos Group, Vray is one impressive renderer!
1) When will Bump Mapping and Reflection mapping be fixed? (RT is pretty useless without this)
2) When is the ram display or ram issue going to be fixed? Still shows RT using 2x the ram than ADV.
3) Procedural maps will be a huge plus if we can get those to work for Bumpmap slot? But “1” needs to be fixed first.
4) Why is RT Cpu so limited. We have Progressive rendering in ADV, why can’t that be made to just continuously render? Corona has a great CPU interactive renderer showcasing this. This would be huge.
5) Irradiance map would be great on GPU for the speed. What does the timing look like on this though?
6) What more as users can we provide to help this along? With pascal coming out with 32gb of ram, I see the way of the Cpu gone if GPU supported everything. The speed difference is immense compared to Cpu’s which don’t seem to be gaining much speed at all with every new release.
7) Forest pack pro is a huge part of Vray user’s workflow, how can we get better support for it in RT for its shaders?

Thank you Chaos Group, Vray is one impressive renderer!