I'm working on two interior scenes (Rhino 6) and I need to apply the changes from one scene at an other scene. So, both are open. I can render scene A, but if I try to render scene B, the GPU rendering doesn't work for scene B anymore, I get a lot of error messages. If I restart scene B than I can render this scene. Each scene needs approx. 2GB VRAM only. It looks like the done rendering of scene A block the rendering of scene B.
A solution would be very helpful, since I often need to work on several Rhino tasks at the same time. For example I'm working on a complex interior and an other client want to get to render some jewelry. Closing and opening the scenes would need a lot of extra time.
I'm working on two interior scenes (Rhino 6) and I need to apply the changes from one scene at an other scene. So, both are open. I can render scene A, but if I try to render scene B, the GPU rendering doesn't work for scene B anymore, I get a lot of error messages. If I restart scene B than I can render this scene. Each scene needs approx. 2GB VRAM only. It looks like the done rendering of scene A block the rendering of scene B.
A solution would be very helpful, since I often need to work on several Rhino tasks at the same time. For example I'm working on a complex interior and an other client want to get to render some jewelry. Closing and opening the scenes would need a lot of extra time.
Preparing renderer... Creating bitmap manager Bitmap manager created. Scanning scene for light plugins. 4 lights found. Using adaptive light evaluation with 8 lights. Light tree is enabled with clamp coefficient 0.1 and even split coefficient 0.5. CUDA renderer requested. CUDA renderer plugin already loaded. CUDA renderer plugin instance successfully created. EXT_RTOPENCL interface obtained successfully from CUDA renderer plugin instance. Using low thread priority. Max ray intensity is enabled: rendered result may have incorrect brightness. Using Embree ray tracing. SDTree statistics: Total number of faces stored: 5992164 Max tree depth: 49 Average tree depth: 26.8802 Number of tree nodes: 2042901 Number of tree faces: 17982271 Number of tree leaves: 898449 Average faces/leaf: 20.0148 Memory usage: 712.73 MB Building static SD trees took 1334 milliseconds Using 0.92 MB for adaptive lights buffer Running RTEngine Initializing CUDA renderer with on-demand texture loading... Failed to allocate 2000 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 6599544 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 212992 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 512 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 16 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 2000 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 6599544 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 212992 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 512 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 16 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 2000 bytes, device 2, buffer SDTree statistics: Total number of faces stored: 5992164 Max tree depth: 49 Average tree depth: 26.8802 Number of tree nodes: 2042901 Number of tree faces: 17982271 Number of tree leaves: 898449 Average faces/leaf: 20.0148 Memory usage: 712.73 MB Building static SD trees took 1334 milliseconds Using 0.92 MB for adaptive lights buffer Running RTEngine Initializing CUDA renderer with on-demand texture loading... Failed to allocate 2000 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 6599544 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 212992 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 512 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 16 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 262144 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 2000 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 6599544 bytes, device 1, buffer .......... Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 2, buffer Enabled Light Tree on GPU Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 11724 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 11724 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 11724 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 88 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 88 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 88 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 0, buffer Error transferring render mask to device 0 Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 1, buffer Error transferring render mask to device 1 Failed to allocate 4 bytes, device 2, buffer Error transferring render mask to device 2 Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 2, buffer Building light cache. Tracing 1000000 image samples for light cache in 64 passes. Using 153.18 MB for light cache preview buffer Bitmap file "D:\Texturen\Licht\Spot_02h.png" loaded. Merging light cache passes. Light cache contains 7948 samples. Light cache base memory usage is 1.2 MB. Using premultiplied light cache. Using adaptive lights ver2 Failed to allocate 240000 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 240000 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 240000 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 414336 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 414336 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 414336 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 1252251 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 96 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 384 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 384 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 384 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 52 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 52 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 52 bytes, device 2, buffer Adaptive light grid built in 4.07 ms. LightCache contains valid adaptive lights data. Building GPU adaptive lights... Failed to allocate 181664 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 181664 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 181664 bytes, device 2, buffer Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 0, buffer Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 1, buffer Failed to allocate 32 bytes, device 2, buffer Lightmap successfully loaded. GPU light cache: 11354 samples stored. GPU adaptive lights v1 built successfully [] D:\cgrepo\vraysdk\samples\vray_plugins\rt_private\rt_opencl_pri(3579) : CUDA error 2 : unable to allocate enough memory to perform the requested operation (out-of-mem) Mtls 13.12MB, Geo 832.53MB, Lights 0.00MB, LightCache 0.80MB, Reserved 23.12MB (data index 302775) Total GPU samples 0 Mtls 13.12MB, Geo 832.53MB, Lights 0.00MB, LightCache 0.80MB, Reserved 23.12MB Device 0 statistics: N/A Device 1 statistics: N/A Device 2 statistics: N/A Number of raycasts: 13863542 (2.77 per pixel) Camera rays: 1000203 (0.20 per pixel) Shadow rays: 7719293 (1.54 per pixel) GI rays: 6927264 (1.39 per pixel) Reflection rays: 846407 (0.17 per pixel) Refraction rays: 7838 (0.00 per pixel) Unshaded rays: 2166110 (0.43 per pixel) Number of light evaluations: 12903920 (2.58 per pixel) Maximum memory usage for resman: 0.00 MB Number of intersectable primitives: 5992177 SD triangles: 5992164 MB triangles: 0 Static primitives: 13 Moving primitives: 0 Infinite primitives: 0 Static hair segments: 0 Moving hair segments: 0 Cleaning up bitmap manager Maximum memory usage for texman: 0.00 MB