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Bug Report - 4 issues

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  • Bug Report - 4 issues

    This is a description of 4 issues I've run into while in the same scene using V-Ray GPU:

    - IPR stuck on mtl override. After enabling and then disabling the override, the IPR never goes back to using assigned materials. Luckily the GPU renderer is fast enough that I can use Production rendering to preview changes but, nonetheless, it's an annoying bug. This issue has been permanent in my scene despite restarts and many settings, materials and scene changes.

    - Changing Phys Camera settings has no effect on exposure. After disabling auto exposure/white balance, changes made to the Max Phys Camera had no effect on the exposure of the render. The image was way overexposed and only worked correctly when auto exposure was re-enabled. Restarting Max solved this and I haven't managed to recreate the issue.

    - Some sort of limit terminating the render suddenly and inexplicably takes effect. After many days of working on the scene, test rendering up to thousands of passes at a time, all of a sudden the Production rendering (in Progressive mode) started terminating prematurely (under 1000 passes, lot's of noise). Setting the Noise Limit to 0.0 and using the Time Limit to try and control the render had no effect. Restarting Max solved this issue.

    - IPR restarts for no reason. While the IPR was still working (see point 1), the IPR would restart even though no changes to the scene or camera were made. Since the issue covered in point 1 has occured, I've not been using the IPR so cannot confirm whether or not the issue is still present.

    None of these problems are critical, I just thought it would be good to make Chaos Group and the community aware of them. All in all, I'm really happy with V-Ray GPU. Love the speed!

  • #2
    1. I cannot seem to reproduce this. IPR updates fine on a simple scene when enabling/disabling the override material checkbox. Try updating to the latest (update 3.2) build and see if that resolves the issue. Otherwise, please attach a video recording to demonstrate.
    2. Have you transferred the Auto-exposure calculation results to the camera? Are the exposure settings taken from the camera or from the Exposure Control settings in the Environment and Effects menu?
    3. Does this happen if you increase the Samples limit?

    All of these issues are described a bit vaguely, hence hard to isolate and reproduce. It would be best to consistently reproduce an issue on a given scene for us to manage to determine its cause. Do share if these issues appear again and optimally send a scene and an elaborate description to along with V-Ray and host platform versions.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. Sorry about the vague descriptions but the issues themselves were vague.

      1. Upgraded to 3.2. Issue is resolved.
      2. Restarting Max fixed this one. Have not been able to reproduce it.
      3. Restarting Max also resolved this one, although I increased the Sample Limit for good measure. The issue hasn't occured again.

