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Rhino 7 Vray GPU interactive render not showing resized textures

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  • Rhino 7 Vray GPU interactive render not showing resized textures

    Hi, I’m having an issue whith vray interactive render (GPU mode) not updating in real time new texture mapping sizes, changes do appear every time I stop the render and re render again but the point of using interactive render is to show instantly the changes.

    In this first image i have the XYZ size set to 1

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1.jpg
Views:	592
Size:	349.6 KB
ID:	1154297
    And in this second image I changed the values to 5, 3 and .2 but the interactive render is not applying those changes

    Click image for larger version

Name:	2.jpg
Views:	542
Size:	341.7 KB
ID:	1154298Do someone know why is this happening?
    (i have an RTX 2060 super)

  • #2
    Dear bruno_villarreal, hello.

    The orange dot is signing warning in you V-Ray Log (VFB's right wing). Could you take a look and share what exactly is?

    Maybe is this one
    Warning : Max sample level set to 0 - rendering could take longer than expected. Consider setting a value to decrease the render time (i.e. 10000).
    or not?

    Could you confirm that the change is only applicable when RTX is chosen and V-Ray Interactive is ON?
    From my tests when CPU or CUDA are used as Render Engine, the changes are visible in Interactive without the need of re-rendering in Production mode.

    Waiting for your answer.

    Best regards,
    Tsvetomira Girginova |
    3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


    • #3
      Hi tsvetomira.girginova thanks for answering. Yes the Vray log is giving me that exact same error.

      Also I can say that this only happens with Interactive Render for RTX ON, when I use the CPU or the CUDA mode they work and scale the textures perfectly.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	3.jpg Views:	0 Size:	282.7 KB ID:	1154460
      Last edited by bruno_villarreal; 19-07-2022, 11:39 AM.


      • #4
        Thank you too!

        I have just logged this in our system with VRW-3760 number for further investigation.

        Two things more:
        1. When V-Ray Interactive is on RTX, you are still able to manipulate the texture from V-Ray Asset Editor (UVW Placement/Texture placement of the used texture)
        2. As shown at the log you are using now newer than the recommended drivers. Keep in mind that except in the V-Ray log, this information is published also here
        For now please use CUDA (all variations = CPU / CPU+GPU / GPU only) or CPU for V-Ray Interactive if you want to test changes through Rhino properties.

        And I will keep you posted by any news.

        Tsvetomira Girginova |
        3D Support (AEC,HOU,C4D) Team Lead | contact us


        • #5
          Thanks! tsvetomira.girginova hope the gpu team will fix this problem soon.

