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Error : [MemoryManagerGpu::releaseUnmappedMemoryFromInstance] 700: Could not release device buffer

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  • Error : [MemoryManagerGpu::releaseUnmappedMemoryFromInstance] 700: Could not release device buffer

    Hi, I'm rendering in Vray GPU now, RTX. It's an animation of 400 frames, first, at frame 53 rendering stopped, and when trying to start again at any frame, the render automatically stop inmediately after "Building Light Cache" with the following error "Error : [MemoryManagerGpu::releaseUnmappedMemoryFromInstanc e] 700: Could not release device buffer"

    I tried updating and changing drivers, once let me render until frame 239 but now even if I change drivers again it stays there with same mistake. Render with CPU works fine.

    I have Intel Core i7 14700 - RTX 4080 SUPER - 64RAM. I think is a good setup, the scene is not complex. Pleaseee help I need to fix this ASAP.

  • #2
    There was recent driver issues causing memory leaks, but they were resolved with the latest recommended driver - 572.16. Which driver have you installed? Also, don't forget to restart your PC after driver installation.​
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      Hi, thanks for answering. I actually have that driver, 572.16, restarted my computer lot of times and still that error not allowing to render. Again, is a very simple scene, render is done in 1 or 2 minutes, so it doesn't seem to be the GPU memory.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        In that case, send the scene so we can see if the issue is reproducible on our end.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Sure, here the scene. If anything else is needed for analyze it better, tell me I can send it. The error started appearing in frame 239, and I could render perfectly the previous frames, so maybe it doesn't appear any error at the beginning, but yes later on. Also, I can render perfectly other files of other projects.

          I tried another time, and a new error (maybe related) appeared: Error : Could not initialize the GPU for rendering!

          Thanks a lot for helping,



          • #6
            There seems to be an issue with the link.

            Otherwise, Muhammed_Hamed just informed me that to get rid of the nasty memory leak issue from previous drivers, it's necessary to do a clean install (there's an option in the NVidia Installer called "Perform a clean installation") of the 572.16 driver (and of course restart the machine). Here's an article about doing exactly that. Could you try this first?
            Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


            • #7
              So I tried step by step exactly like in the article, making a clean install of the driver 572.16 but "Error : [MemoryManagerGpu::releaseUnmappedMemoryFromInstanc e] 700: Could not release device buffer" still persists.

              Here is another link for downloading the scene:



              • #8
                Originally posted by zonda_visual View Post
                So I tried step by step exactly like in the article, making a clean install of the driver 572.16 but "Error : [MemoryManagerGpu::releaseUnmappedMemoryFromInstanc e] 700: Could not release device buffer" still persists.

                Here is another link for downloading the scene:

                Thanks. The error is reproducible. I'll start debugging to determine the cause.
                Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                • #9
                  Perfect thanks. Tell me anything you find, I will need to start rendering the animation today if possible.



                  • #10
                    The crash (it's a crash) seems to occur with a very specific setup, so I doubt I'll find the culprit soon. However, I've noticed it doesn't occur when you render through Standalone (V-Ray > .vrscene exporter > Export and Render). You can use it as a workaround to render the sequence.
                    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #11
                      Ok I tried with standalone and effectively yes, it renders normally. I can use standalone for test renders and test animations. Anyways, I will need eventually to render normally, so whenever you have news tell me.

                      Thanks a lot for help


                      • #12
                        After further testing, I can deduce it's a memory issue. Most frames with the provided scene take about ~15GB of VRAM. I'm testing with a card similar to yours (4070Ti Super, which also has 16GB VRAM). If you adjust some settings for memory conservation, there's no crash. You can confirm this yourself by monitoring your GPU usage with f.e. GPU-Z. Here's a helpful article about optimizing GPU memory. What helps greatly is simply switching from Bucket to Progressive Image Sampler, using CPU memory for loading textures or rendering via Standalone (without 3ds GUI).
                        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
                        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                        • #13
                          Ok great thanks a lot, It strange this scene takes lot of memory, I've done more complex images and no memory crashes. Something strange in the model or in some texture must be there that takes lot of memory. Anyways, I will read the article to optimize it. Thanks again have a nice day!

