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Various problems with RT

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  • Various problems with RT

    I recently did a lot of projects with photographers who are used to light cars with Vred, which is a really fast realtime tool. So far, RT is nearly comparable in terms of speed, but a few things just don't work as expected. So here is my list of problems:

    1: Proxies in RT are kind of useless, unless the materials are preserved. The background is this: When I have a cad model of a whole car provided by the manufacturer, I have about 15mio polies in the scene. The preparation time is extremely long when you click the active shade button. Waiting time is nearly 5 minutes before you can see anything. That is very annoying, especially when the photographer is sitting next to you, telling you that this is very fast in Vred... My solution would be Vray proxies, which makes the loading times very fast. But I cannot put all the parts into a single proxy, because the material assignments get lost. Exporting every single part as a proxy doesn't make sense, because I would have around 2000 proxies in the scene, which isn't very fast anymore. Is it possible to preserve the material assignments for the proxies. I don't request material export together with the Vray proxies, I just wish that Vray remembers which material in the scene is assigned to which parts inside the single proxy. By the way, attaching all the parts into an exisiting mesh with matching material ID's doesn't work, because Max just freezes on so many objects. Please see this thread for more information:

    2: Interactivity can be very slow. The camera channges are very fast. Also lights are updated very fast. But when I create a simple plane next to the whole car, the update takes around 10 seconds. Too much in my eyes. Also, transformations to parts in the scene is very slow. For example, I select the bumper, move it up by 10cm. I wait 10 seconds... Creating and moving lights is blazing fast on the other hand.

    3: Changes in the physcam are not updated. Let's say I want to see motion blur from the wheels. So I animate the wheels for some 100 frames, create a physcam and press active shade. I can see the wheel spinning. But let's say I want to make it spin faster: Go to the physical camera, change the shutter speed value, nothing happens. I have to close active shade and start it again to see the changes.

    4: Directionality parameter in Vray lights doesn't show up in RT.

    5: Camera moves update constantly, whereas light placement updated only when I release the mouse button. It would be nice to see a constant update when moving around light sources.

    6: The tiling parameter of bitmaps doesn't work when used as texture in a Vray light.

    7: Including/Excluding parts in Vray lights doesn't work.

    If necessary, I can provide a scene file via ftp.


    Last edited by kosso_olli; 25-11-2013, 07:49 AM.

  • #2
    Thanks for the feedback; most of these are known items, though they are not trivial to fix. Hopefully things will get better though. Yes, it will be very useful to have the scene - you can send it to or our support guys can get you ftp info to upload it.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I was going to start a new thread but makes sense to add to this list. A few issues from me:

      8: I am using a spiral gradient ramp for anisotropy rotation which doesn't show up in V-Ray RT GPU.

      9: The V-Ray light material needs to be a much higher multiplier (even with compensate for camera exposure on) to be seen bright enough in RT GPU compared to rendering in RT CPU or the standard production renderer when using V-Ray physical camera. Here is a test scene:
      Last edited by ; 11-12-2013, 08:18 AM.


      • #4
        10: V-Ray light material does not update when rendering animation using production RT GPU when using multi sub object materials. Lets say at frame 0 I have a multiplier of 1 and at frame 30 I have a multiplier of 30. But at frame 30 the light stays at multiplier 1 when rendering an animation in production. This is also happens in active shade, if I switch between frame 30 and frame 1 the multiplier does not change.
        Last edited by ; 04-12-2013, 01:28 AM.


        • #5
          11: Not always possible to turn on motion blur in RT. Its greyed out even though I have it enabled on the physical camera. Some times I can enable it in active shade but not in production.

          12: Motion blur doesn't update in the active shade when adjusting the shutter speed.


          • #6
            Originally posted by JamesCutler View Post
            11: Not always possible to turn on motion blur in RT. Its greyed out even though I have it enabled on the physical camera. Some times I can enable it in active shade but not in production.

            12: Motion blur doesn't update in the active shade when adjusting the shutter speed.
            I found a few previous posts in regards to motion blur and RT. Even though it is greyed out its still on in the production renderer. This is fine, although confusing


            • #7
              13: Affect Diffuse and Specular checkboxes from VraySun don't have an effect in RT.

              Still need some time to prepare a scene, but I will send it, I promise. Already got my support ticket
              Last edited by kosso_olli; 04-12-2013, 05:15 AM.


              • #8
                vlado, can you confirm any of these issues and if/when they will be fixed? Thanks.


                • #9
                  Would be nice to get some feedback, too. Especially number 1 and 2 are bugging me a lot.


                  • #10
                    We don't have anything for the moment about #1 and #2 unfortunately. #2 can be made to work better on the GPU by flagging the objects as "dynamic" geometry in the V-Ray Object properties dialog, but this does not work in the same way on the CPU. We are working to improve this on the CPU, but it will be a while before there are any results.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #11
                      Actually I lied about #1; while we don't plan to do anything about materials in proxies for the moment, we did work to improve the original issue - the slow transfer of data from the main application to the RT render servers. It should already be a lot better in the latest beta of V-Ray 3.0

                      Best regards,
                      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                      • #12
                        Great Vlado, looking forward to trying it out. RT has come a really long way, and I increasingly enjoy it the more I use it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vlado View Post
                          Actually I lied about #1; while we don't plan to do anything about materials in proxies for the moment, we did work to improve the original issue - the slow transfer of data from the main application to the RT render servers. It should already be a lot better in the latest beta of V-Ray 3.0

                          Best regards,
                          Vlado, Could you provide an update on issues 8, 9 and 10?


                          • #14
                            Hi James,

                            Please check my comments below on the RT/GPU issue you have reported.
                            Originally posted by JamesCutler View Post
                            I was going to start a new thread but makes sense to add to this list. A few issues from me:

                            8: I am using a spiral gradient ramp for anisotropy rotation which doesn't show up in V-Ray RT GPU.

                            9: The V-Ray light material needs to be a much higher multiplier (even with compensate for camera exposure on) to be seen bright enough in RT GPU compared to rendering in RT CPU or the standard production renderer when using V-Ray physical camera. Here is a test scene: [ATTACH]17338[/ATTACH]
                            -point Anisotropy parameter of the V-ray materials is not yet supported by the GPU engine. We have this in our "To do" list.
                            -point 9) We have some improvements on this in our V-ray 3.0 builds, but still V-ray RT/GPU needs to take into account every change to the "Compensate camera exposure" option of the V-ray Light material. I will update our system.

                            Thank you very much, your feedback is highly appreciated.

                            P.S. I will check the issue number 10 and will make an update here.
                            Tashko Zashev |
                            Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                            • #15
                              10: V-Ray light material does not update when rendering animation using production RT GPU when using multi sub object materials. Lets say at frame 0 I have a multiplier of 1 and at frame 30 I have a multiplier of 30. But at frame 30 the light stays at multiplier 1 when rendering an animation in production. This is also happens in active shade, if I switch between frame 30 and frame 1 the multiplier does not change.
                              I see that your report is already added to our bug tracker by one of my colleagues.
                              Tashko Zashev |
                              Chaos Support Representative | contact us

