Hey guys,
I'm trying to render some simple black object with glowing edges. Regarding to footnote no. 11 (https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/...tedFeatures-11) about the VrayEdgesTex I should be able to use it as texture, but it's not gonna work for me when using a VrayLightMaterial. Lightcache pass and CPU rendering (RT) looks fine but GPU is just black. Also it's not gonna render corrctly when using it in a Vray Material Self Illum Slot. Have I done something wrong? Or is the description wrong?
Best regards
I'm trying to render some simple black object with glowing edges. Regarding to footnote no. 11 (https://docs.chaosgroup.com/display/...tedFeatures-11) about the VrayEdgesTex I should be able to use it as texture, but it's not gonna work for me when using a VrayLightMaterial. Lightcache pass and CPU rendering (RT) looks fine but GPU is just black. Also it's not gonna render corrctly when using it in a Vray Material Self Illum Slot. Have I done something wrong? Or is the description wrong?
Best regards