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Printing VrayRT Unsupported Features At Rendertime

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  • Printing VrayRT Unsupported Features At Rendertime

    I would love a checkbox in VrayRT such that when I do a render through 3dsmax, it will display in the VrayRT terminal window any unsupported features it comes across. For example, VrayRT can't support the "Dent" procedural map, so if I try and render a scene that contains that map, it would return a warning in the terminal letting me know the map is in the scene and vrayRT can't render it.

    This would be super helpful because it would give me a better idea of what features that I use all the time are still unsupported by VrayRT, and that can help me give you guys a better idea of what unsupported features are the most important to get added in the future, rather than us just asking for features we think we need but we actually statistically rarely use. Thanks!

    - Neil
    Last edited by soulburn3d; 26-05-2015, 11:45 AM.

  • #2
    We'll see what can be done about it. Though it's a bit like asking someone to list all the things that they don't know But at least for the texture nodes, it can be done.

    Best regard,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Originally posted by vlado View Post
      Though it's a bit like asking someone to list all the things that they don't know
      Hehe True. Although I would suspect that max at least hands the name of a plugin to RT before RT says "I don't know what this is". Even printing the name of a plugin would be helpful. Thanks for looking into it.

      - Neil

