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Material Library Update - 01/19

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  • Material Library Update - 01/19

    Hello everyone,

    Happy New Year and a warm thank you on behalf of the whole VRscans team here for being with us throughout the last year!
    It has been a long time coming, and admittedly, we did not keep our promise to double the size of the library by 2018.

    I wanted to share with you the latest development and what we have planned for the coming weeks and months.

    As of yesterday, we have uploaded ~240 new fabric scans for use in interior and product design projects. These scans come courtesy of US manufacturer Handy Living, with whom we reached an agreement to feature (part) of their materials in our library.
    In doing this, we are are hoping to give artists the ability to use accurate scans of real-world materials, which can then be found in the particular manufacturer's catalogue by serial number and used to bring to life the artist's concept.
    Our plan is to make this project the first of many and this also ties into what you can expect as updates coming soon.

    We hope to finalize an exciting partnership with another US manufacturer and bring an initial update of around 120 extremely high-quality leather materials for various applications.

    Following that, we will include a sizable update (between 100-200) of car-paint materials.

    We do not plan on stopping there and I will share news with you hear and through other channels as the appropriate time draws near.

    As the size of the library grows, we will also focus on improving or completely changing the interface of the library, as we know from speaking to a lot of you, that the current UI is not the quickest or most user-friendly.

    I want to personally say that we do not want to sugar-coat the fact that we disappointed our most important stakeholders - you - the artists using our scans.
    For that reason, I want to extend an invitation for everyone who'd like to talk to me about finding a way for us to make it up to you - please reach out to me via email : gavril(dot)gavrilov(at)chaosgroup(dot)com

    Thank you once again and let's keep in touch!

    Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
    Key Account Manager
    Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
    VRscans | Key Account Manager

  • #2
    A quick follow-up.

    Right now we are having an issue with the server so the new downloads are throwing a 404 error.
    We're working to resolve and I'll post an update here as soon as fixed.

    Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
    VRscans | Key Account Manager


    • #3
      Thanks you for the news after no news for 8 months.
      What about metal material (like brushed 220 stainless steel, copper, brass...) and polished (with micro scratches)?
      Do you need to make a deal with Arcelor Mital to get this scanned?
      One of the promised was to add material requested by users, but it sounds like a dead track.


      • #4
        Hi All,

        The mass upload crashed the CMS for the library hence the 404 error you were all seeing. All files have been re-uploaded and should now be OK. I will monitor here and be available through the usual channels to help with any issues. Thank you for the patience!

        Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
        VRscans | Key Account Manager
        Last edited by Gary_chaos; 14-01-2019, 02:18 AM. Reason: typo
        Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
        VRscans | Key Account Manager


        • #5
          Thanks for the message! We definitely do not need to sign a deal with Mital to get materials like that, although we would love to The real reason is that we have had to juggle finalizing the hardware and software development with custom scanning orders and, admittedly, the library suffered for it.
          We will be focusing on the library much more in the coming months, and you can count on that!

          Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
          VRscans | Key Account Manager
          Gavril "Gary" Gavrilov
          VRscans | Key Account Manager


          • #6
            Really amazing update!
            This is probably the best/biggest fabric library on the web with close to 500 fabric scans now
            Wood is something that I would want more scans of.. leather and carpaint are all welcome as well
            Definitely worth the subscription price for us.
            Thanks to all team!
            Muhammed Hamed
            V-Ray GPU product specialist



            • #7
              thanks for the information regarding the future road map of the VrScans. If the updates are coming as promised, I will be happy.
              Altough I have to agree that the still is a huge demand for any materials like brushed metal etc.


              • #8
                any updates about this after half a year?
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                • #9
                  I didn't renew my licenses, the user's request are just ignore. Sadly and certainly, Chaos behaviors converge to Autodesk one. For example I never received a single answer from a ticket opened 8 mounths ago, I even make a phone call but as an independent, they don't care any more, I guess I'm not failing into their profitable enough profile.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by fraggle View Post
                    I didn't renew my licenses, the user's request are just ignore. Sadly and certainly, Chaos behaviors converge to Autodesk one. For example I never received a single answer from a ticket opened 8 mounths ago, I even make a phone call but as an independent, they don't care any more, I guess I'm not failing into their profitable enough profile.
                    I dont think I will renew my license either.
                    But I have to say that my experience differs vastly from yours when it comes to support. At least for vray and phoenixfd.
                    They do indeed answer rather quickly on my support tickets and if things have to be faster, a phone call usually helps as they then can help right away.
                    Just speaking from my experience
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                    • #11
                      Sorry, I'm talking about commercial support not the technical one. I 100% agreed with you about the technical support.
                      But I never heard about a request regarding the exchange of vray render slave license against phoenix. I did upgrade to vray next but my farm was no more compatible, and of course nobody highlight this point before. So I hanged up with 5 slave licenses for nothing as I can't upgrade my hardware at the moment. Very strange behaviors, they can at least make an answer.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by fraggle View Post
                        Sadly and certainly, Chaos behaviors converge to Autodesk one.
                        Perhaps this is kind of inevitable transformation that every successful copmany expires, that's why some startups make the "weird" decision to not grow above certain size. For example your demand about swapping licenses - in a small company it's a question of seconds, just the guy who is answering the mails will ask the bos who is sitting on the next desk, "well, give him what he needs, it's not a car for god sake, it's just a software" and is done. But in a big company this can't happen, at least because the person that can say "OK" is not on the next desk, or because there is some system that tracks all the licenses, or something else that i even can't imagine. About your decision to not renew the license, well, it sounds rational to me, you can always renew it if there is something new that you can find interesting and useful.

                        VRScans developer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                          Perhaps this is kind of inevitable transformation that every successful copmany expires, that's why some startups make the "weird" decision to not grow above certain size. For example your demand about swapping licenses - in a small company it's a question of seconds, just the guy who is answering the mails will ask the bos who is sitting on the next desk, "well, give him what he needs, it's not a car for god sake, it's just a software" and is done. But in a big company this can't happen, at least because the person that can say "OK" is not on the next desk, or because there is some system that tracks all the licenses, or something else that i even can't imagine. About your decision to not renew the license, well, it sounds rational to me, you can always renew it if there is something new that you can find interesting and useful.
                          Ivaylo, you made me laugh It is good that you are not part of customer care and marketing (and I am sure that you wouldnt want to be), not trying to insult you, just being honest. As a developer, you can say something like this.
                          But if Chaosgroup would tell me that it is a good decision to cancel my subscription because I am not content with what I am getting, after taking my money, I would surely be very disappointed. The chances of me coming back would be even smaller. The problem is that plans and promises are not met and that licenses are on a per-year-basis. That is a long commitment for a service that you are not content with.
                          Add Your Light LogoCheck out my tutorials, assets, free samples and weekly newsletter:
                          Always looking to learn, become better and serve better.


                          • #14
                            That's why in the most companies the developers are not allowed to talk directly to the customers, and that's why their technical support sucks So, if we return back to the topic, there is a big chance that in the near future the library will receive significantly more attention than now. But i think i already mentioned this, so it's just repeating my words. Or if you prefer "the birth in the hand", righ now we are preparing a big set of holografic and highly reflective materials, kind of regular update.
                            VRScans developer


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                              That's why in the most companies the developers are not allowed to talk directly to the customers, and that's why their technical support sucks So, if we return back to the topic, there is a big chance that in the near future the library will receive significantly more attention than now. But i think i already mentioned this, so it's just repeating my words. Or if you prefer "the birth in the hand", righ now we are preparing a big set of holografic and highly reflective materials, kind of regular update.
                              We are in need of something that looks like the reflective coating on street signs or number plates here in Germany. Would help immensely.
                              Other than that I am eagerly waiting for the first scanners to be shipped, I put all my hope into that. We got stuff to scan for months...
                              Last edited by kosso_olli; 01-10-2019, 05:40 AM.

