Hi, there are several matte copper, one circuit board copper, but no Polished copper on the library.
Also, I guess the matte one are sand blasted, so again it will be good to get some brushed one, like for the stainless steel request. Same goes to all metal in fact, such material finished are obtain mechanically, so they can't be perfect.
Perfection is easy to obtain in CG, imperfection is what CG artist are looking for, and that what takes time so setup.
Also, I guess the matte one are sand blasted, so again it will be good to get some brushed one, like for the stainless steel request. Same goes to all metal in fact, such material finished are obtain mechanically, so they can't be perfect.
Perfection is easy to obtain in CG, imperfection is what CG artist are looking for, and that what takes time so setup.