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Translucent Materials in VrScans Library

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  • Translucent Materials in VrScans Library

    in the docs for the VrScans there are some images of the Stanford Bunny with some translucent materials applied to it. Can these be found in the library? Using the translucent tag only results in three patterns of translucent fabric. I thought of some nice plastic materials with translucent features, like the attached images. These are quite hard to set up with regular VrayMTL or FastSSS2.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	trans_v01.JPG
Views:	965
Size:	11.1 KB
ID:	1090023
    Click image for larger version

Name:	trans_v02.JPG
Views:	853
Size:	15.3 KB
ID:	1090024
    Click image for larger version

Name:	trans_v03.JPG
Views:	805
Size:	25.2 KB
ID:	1090025

  • #2
    The material of the bynny is not in the library, i think we have no translucent *volumetric* materials there at all, that's kind of shame. The topic was discused a year ago, and i was able to dig it out, see here
    Some notes about this kind of materials - unlike the translucent flat materials (foils, fabrics, etc), here is assumed that the geometry has some thickness, and the lenght of the rays inside the geometry is given in account when calculating the lighting. Our devices are not able to scan 3d maps, i.e. the translucency map is 2d, and is sampled only in the entry/exit points of the rays. This means if the material has some pattern (map), it must be not too transparent, otherwise the surface mapping wil be observable. Fortunatelly this is satisfied for big variety of samples. If you have good samples of some interesting materials in this category, we can consider adding them to the library.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Hey Ivaylo,
      will try to come up with something.




      • #4
        Regarding the samples of the translucent materials: What should the thickness be like? There are some samples that could be used I believe, but they are of varying thickness.


        • #5
          For the most translucent materials 3-5mm is good enough, the device limit is 50mm.
          VRScans developer

