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Materials rendering with Watermark

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  • Materials rendering with Watermark

    can we please finally get this thing working correctly? I am now allowed to download the materials from the Chaos-Site, however nearly all of them render black with a watermark. This happens to all materials from the commercial section, marked with an "S" in the filename. I mean I bought a license from the promo offer with subscription for a year, why am I only allowed to render some evalution materials? The download section that both my evaluation and commercial license expire in Jan. 2018.
    Last edited by kosso_olli; 18-01-2017, 08:37 AM.

  • #2
    can you render such an material and attach the log file? you can find it in %temp%\vrayscannedmtl.log
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Sure. Here is what is says:

      render begin \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan
      skip load
      skip load
      skip load
      render end \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan

      That's all. I tested it in Max 2016 3.5 Beta 2, the log looks very different:

      vrscan renderbegin \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan
      mat \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan requires license 2 result:1(0)
      skip load
      Load settings, n:77 mat:0000000063E2D390
      ccior:1,589000 mat:0000000063E2D390
      skip load
      Load settings, n:77 mat:0000000063E2D390
      ccior:1,589000 mat:0000000063E2D390
      vrscan end render \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan
      render end \\PX2-SERVER\3DLib\Textures\max\TEXTURES\VRSCANS\carpain t_grey_2_s.vrscan

      In Beta 2 the materials render fine. Very weird.


      • #4
        I suppose your official build is just too old, is it the last one available for download? The library service was added few months ago (september), and all the older vray releases do not support the library licensing.
        In order to prevent the hack to render the library files just using an old vray, we introduced a modification in the library materials that makes them to appear black when an old vray without library licensing system is used.
        In few words, if you have no watermark rendering with the latest builds, the behavior is as expected.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          you are right. I am on V-Ray 3.40.01 for Max 2017. So that is a user error. Sorry about the confusion.


          • #6
            don't worry, any user error can be seen as developer error, you are not the first one, and that's why we are planing to introduce a warning in the cases of outdated plugin
            VRScans developer

