I'm currently trying out cloud rendering for the first time and I can't make my materials work correctly in the cloud rendering preview. When rendering on my PC the normal way, everything looks as it should, but in the cloud preview there are problems with the skin material and the displacement map.
The skin shader is made of a VRayMtl and a VRayFastSSS2 material, combined with a VRayBlendMtl. The maps were plugged into MultiTile maps (+Bitmaps), but since that didn't work at all in the cloud preview and caused several warnings, I replaced them with composite maps (+VRayBitmaps), but these alter the result (maybe wrong layer mode? I used 'normal' on the picture, but tried several and none worked fine). When the BlendMtl is assigned to the skin, SSS only works on the last tile.
For displacement, I assigned a displacement modifier, which worked fine when rendering on my PC the normal way, but in the cloud preview (again) only the last tile gets displaced and then also too much (maybe again due to the composite map, because I am not sure if I am using it correctly).
I tried to replace the displacement with normal and bump maps, but those don't really work either (only the lips get a bit bumpy, but the rest is not affected).
I would appreciate it very much, if you could help me get the same results from cloud rendering as my usual renderings!
Thanks in advance!
I'm currently trying out cloud rendering for the first time and I can't make my materials work correctly in the cloud rendering preview. When rendering on my PC the normal way, everything looks as it should, but in the cloud preview there are problems with the skin material and the displacement map.
The skin shader is made of a VRayMtl and a VRayFastSSS2 material, combined with a VRayBlendMtl. The maps were plugged into MultiTile maps (+Bitmaps), but since that didn't work at all in the cloud preview and caused several warnings, I replaced them with composite maps (+VRayBitmaps), but these alter the result (maybe wrong layer mode? I used 'normal' on the picture, but tried several and none worked fine). When the BlendMtl is assigned to the skin, SSS only works on the last tile.
For displacement, I assigned a displacement modifier, which worked fine when rendering on my PC the normal way, but in the cloud preview (again) only the last tile gets displaced and then also too much (maybe again due to the composite map, because I am not sure if I am using it correctly).
I tried to replace the displacement with normal and bump maps, but those don't really work either (only the lips get a bit bumpy, but the rest is not affected).
I would appreciate it very much, if you could help me get the same results from cloud rendering as my usual renderings!
Thanks in advance!