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Maya Texture Baking Batch submit to Cloud

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  • Maya Texture Baking Batch submit to Cloud

    Would love to see this feature implemented in the future.

    Case example: I set up full lighting in Vray Maya using the typical setups (dome light, areas etc). Using the IPR to make everything look good. Switching from IPR to Texture Baking engine to get the UV's and the Bakes setup correctly. Then I manually submit each mesh to the cloud to be baked usually at 4K textures. This is so we can bake the lighting, some reflections and anything else we want to directly into the textures. Our end platform is game engine VR so this is the most efficient way of stretching performance of scenes.

    With a large scene it can take a while to manually submit each mesh to cloud, correctly name it and assign to a particular job project etc. A batch feature would be great to have with the option of ticking or unticking meshes in the browser panel that you have submitted to be baked or not.

  • #2
    Hello, scott_rafferty!

    Thank you for the suggestion. We can consider it as part of our future plans.

    Meanwhile, as a workaround you can use an approach with render layers. The recent V-Ray 5 for Maya Update 2 adds the ability to submit multiple render layers in bulk to Chaos Cloud.
    For more details you can take a look at this article:

    What you can do is set the Texture baking engine as you did and select the mesh to bake using layer overrides. Each layer will be dedicated to a given mesh and will include a layer override for Pre Render Layer MEL with this script
    select meshObjectX
    where meshObjectX is the mesh to be baked.

    Then in "Submit to Chaos Cloud" window you can set "Multiple Layers" as Layer Mode and select the desired layers to submit. Each layer will be submitted to an individual job.
    The job name will include the render layer name so it could be named after the dedicated meshObjectX.

    I hope this will help with your workflow.
    Last edited by iliyana.vladeva; 23-12-2021, 01:57 AM.
    Iliyana Vladeva
    Software Development Engineer
    V-Ray for Maya

