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Light Blue and Brown Living and Dining

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  • Light Blue and Brown Living and Dining

    Hi everibody
    these are my latest renders, the project is larger but for now I'll post only the living and the dining.
    As always here are some statistics, the whole project contains about 55 million polygons + render instances, ~2.5GB file size + ~2.5GB textures, about 350 lights including spot lights, led stripes, chandeliers, softbox, and a physical sun for the daylight view.
    Mostly modeled by me using Cinema4D except for the chairs of the dining made with laserscan, some moulding detail from dikart, curtains and some fabrics made in Marvelous Designer.
    Most of the shaders comes from my collection but there are also a few custom fabrics made for this project.
    4K images rendered in BR+LC using Vray 3.7, I was able to render on a single 8core machine in about 2h for the night views and about 4h for the day view, post processing done mainly inside the VFB plus some small touches in PS.
    Overall about two weeks of work.
    Hope you like it, and since I'm not totally satisfied with the final look feel free to give some advice on how to improve it

    Here is the living:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sm3.jpg
Views:	690
Size:	1.47 MB
ID:	1097386Click image for larger version

Name:	sm4.jpg
Views:	591
Size:	1.43 MB
ID:	1097387Click image for larger version

Name:	sm5.jpg
Views:	602
Size:	1.39 MB
ID:	1097388
    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
    @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter

  • #2
    Here is the dining:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	sm7.jpg
Views:	582
Size:	1.55 MB
ID:	1097390Click image for larger version

Name:	sm6.jpg
Views:	572
Size:	1.48 MB
ID:	1097391
    3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
    NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
    @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


    • #3
      And a couple details, including one with a Christmas mood made just for fun

      Click image for larger version

Name:	sm1.jpg
Views:	566
Size:	618.8 KB
ID:	1097395Click image for larger version

Name:	sm2.jpg
Views:	593
Size:	1.38 MB
ID:	1097394Click image for larger version

Name:	Natale 2020hr.jpg
Views:	574
Size:	693.4 KB
ID:	1097393
      3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
      NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
      @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


      • #4
        who says money can't buy taste?

        lotta work gone in there. hope the client appreciates it


        • #5
          Im in awe of the amount of work and disgusted by the client....bring on the revolution

          How did you find max handled the scene size etc?
          Last edited by francomanko; 30-12-2020, 12:48 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by francomanko View Post
            Im in awe of the amount of work and disgusted by the client....bring on the revolution

            How did you find max handled the scene size etc?

            Not my style neither, I just do the visualization

            The project is done in Cinema4D not Max, the software handle the scene just fine. I consider this a medium sized scene(includes living, dining and two other rooms with similar details) and larger scenes are still workable provided you keep the right balance between real geometry and instanced geometry. Here is a similar scene I've made many years ago on an old computer, as you can see Cinema4D viewport runs without issues:
            I guess in Max you can get similar or better speed if you work wisely
            Last edited by sirio76; 30-12-2020, 04:25 PM.
            3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
            NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
            @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


            • #7
              One last image with some firework, Happy New Year

              Click image for larger version

Name:	2021.effectsResult.jpg
Views:	551
Size:	886.5 KB
ID:	1097470
              3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
              NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
              @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


              • #8
                For me it is looking too bright overall and with the intense colours it seems too high in contrast/saturation. Maybe that is what the client likes though, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
                Quite intense though lol
                It's a lot to fit in to two weeks, so very cool, though I think you have your working method totally worked out, having seen your other (better for me) examples

                For things to pick out as not as good as other bits, I'd argue that the curtains are lovely, as are the other fabrics, but the valances (I think they are called that) look quite 'flat' - like they've been ironed a bit too much, plus they have some intersecting faces at the top

                Good work though - and I bet the client loves them.


                • #9
                  Thanks a lot for all your advice
                  if needed I can upload the raw 32bit file with all the layers, it will really help me to see some alternative/better tone mapping and color calibration, so let me know if you want to give a try
                  I know about the problems with the curtains but unfortunately there was no time to fix everything in time.
                  Thanks again, happy 2021!!!
                  Last edited by sirio76; 31-12-2020, 02:11 PM.
                  3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                  NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                  @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                  • #10
                    Nice detailing. This thing looks like a render bucket's worst nightmare. I can see some sparkles in the last one (top left corner of fireworks image). Did you have to optimize those refractive materials at all?

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-01-04 111455.png
Views:	511
Size:	900.7 KB
ID:	1097705


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rusteberg View Post
                      Nice detailing. This thing looks like a render bucket's worst nightmare. I can see some sparkles in the last one (top left corner of fireworks image). Did you have to optimize those refractive materials at all?

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2021-01-04 111455.png
Views:	511
Size:	900.7 KB
ID:	1097705
                      Hi, no optimization needed, I've just added a bit of glossiness to the glass material and some tint in the fog color (is also more realistic since this particular glass is glossy in real life too).
                      Clear glass is indeed more harder to sample, especially in some lighting condition, but in Vray you can always improve the speed if needed
                      3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                      NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                      @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter


                      • #12
                        Ok, so you just baked the fuck out of it. Got it.


                        • #13
                          awesome work! I like all the images here, wonder how long you need to finish this project?
                          Best regards,
                          Jackie Teh

                          3ds Max 2023, V-Ray 7 [7.00.05 build 32980]
                          AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16-Core Processor@4.50 GHz | 64GB RAM | Nvidia RTX 4090


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jackieteh View Post
                            awesome work! I like all the images here, wonder how long you need to finish this project?
                            As said in the opening post it took 2 weeks/1 person, including living, dining and two more ambient I haven’t posted
                            3D Scenes, Shaders and Courses for V-ray and Corona
                            NEW V-Ray 5 Metal Shader Bundle (C4D/Max):
                            @3drenderandbeyond on social media @3DRnB Twitter

