Here is a project for a client who did not have any plans. This is to be built for his daughter on an Eastern US horse country property. It's a big acreage of grass field surrounded by dense hardwood forest lines. He initially had a floor plan sketch and front elevation that he did on an airplane flight. Th he provided some images that his daughter found that she liked. All this was sent to me via text message and so much of it was about 300px in the large dimension.
You can see that I essentially did what was wanted but there was a lot of guidance and explaining needed on my part. Some of the ideas put forward to flesh this out were....not good. Unimportant issues were regarded as major stumbling blocks. It tool a lot of discussion and illustration to bring it around. AKA - time sink.
In the end the client is very happy with his creation. Hopefully his daughter will be too.

You can see that I essentially did what was wanted but there was a lot of guidance and explaining needed on my part. Some of the ideas put forward to flesh this out were....not good. Unimportant issues were regarded as major stumbling blocks. It tool a lot of discussion and illustration to bring it around. AKA - time sink.
In the end the client is very happy with his creation. Hopefully his daughter will be too.