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Office Interior

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  • Office Interior


    I did these a couple of weeks ago. At the time I wasn't that pleased with them, however I saw them in print last week and liked them a bit more so I thought I'd post them here.

    C&C welcome.

    Dan Brew

  • #2
    They look great. The only problem that jumps out at me is the mirrored wood texture on the end of the bookcase in the top image, but it's a minor thing really when everything else looks so nice - especially your glass. What sort of lighting and colour mapping set-up are you using?


    Andrew Martin Visualisation


    • #3
      Likewise - the bookcase and the dodgy filtering on the photo on the left but they look fantastic - Not even stylised photographs but just real! the burnt out exterior and reflections in the second image are perfect - really nice work.


      • #4
        yeah they re quite nice...i really like the lighting match with the exterior maps! yeah and ur reflections are great i think the moving subject in the 2nd image is great, not so great in the 1st...although maybe the guilty is the bad looking model...hehehe

        the only thing that i really dislike is the general lighting color...artificial lights tend to have strong tinting plus the mixture of direct and ambient light u tend to have lots of colour bouncing i reckon they look too greyish and flat...and there are some minor splotches.

        dont mean too bee harsh...just that i really like every thing else...

        good work!
        Nuno de Castro
        00351 917593145


        • #5
          Outsatnding! I like the second the most. Gadzooks


          • #6

            Thanks for the comments everyone, I thought someone might say something about the wood on the bookcase but I couldn't be bothered to change it. The lo-res image on the wall was given to me by the client, hopefully we'll get a higher res one for the final rendering.

            What sort of lighting and colour mapping set-up are you using?
            Lighting is from VRay area lights in the light fittings and the environment multiplier set to 3 or 4. Color mapping is set to gama correction with the dark multiplier set to 1 and the bright multiplier 0.455

            ene.xis, I understand what you're saying about the lighting. Actually the interior lights do have a slight warmth to them and the environment light does has a blue tint but you're right they're probably not saturated enough. I suppose it depends whether you're going for true photorealism or more how the eye would perceive it. Your eyes do a pretty good job of correcting the white point. I guess I thought the client would prefer a more neutral look.

            Thanks again for the comments, I'm the only visualiser here so its very useful to get feedback from people who understand how these images are put together.

            Dan Brew


            • #7
              Very nice work Dan. The people are a detraction though. Their blurriness doesn't make sense and the one who is seated looks awkward and very uncomfortable.
              Surreal Structures


              • #8
                the one who is seated looks awkward and very uncomfortable
                Yeah, the more I see the the seated person the less I like him, he looks like he needs the bathroom and quickly. The people are actually quite low-poly and don't look that good even at medium distance so I started animating them and using motion blur. I think it looks ok on distant, walking people, maybe I should stop using this technique on seated ones.


                Dan Brew


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Frances
                  The people are a detraction though. Their blurriness doesn't make sense and the one who is seated looks awkward and very uncomfortable.
                  although i totally agree with u on the second image, as an architect and vizualizer, i kinda like the bluriness on the first...
                  Nuno de Castro

                  00351 917593145


                  • #10
                    hi daniel, great images. not sure if they are supposed to be like that, but the ceiling spots in the first 2 images don't aren't centralised with the ceiling tiles.

                    Stephen Helsby



                    • #11
                      really good images!

                      personally i'd be tempted to up the brightness + contrast slightly plus perhaps a bit of colour adjustment towards red in photoshop so they don't look as flat...
                      but that's just my opinion

                      in the last image the tabletop could do with a few more polys as well.

                      oh yeah, definately lose the seated guy...

                      other than that they look spot on to me! nice one!
                      when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                      • #12

                        Nothing to add further but I think you've done a great job. I've recently had to do this type of shot and I know how hard it is. I like your 2nd shot, looks like office lighting to me. I've use points with area shadows, I'll try areas next time.

                        Thanks for sharing.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for your comments.

                          Steve, you're right to highlight the positioning of the light fittings, pure laziness I'm afraid. I took them from an early lighting drawing, before the ceiling layout was finalised.

                          sOreal, I thought the images were a bit flat when I first did them. I don't usually alter my work in photoshop but I think you're right, there's not much difference in contrast between the materials on the floor, ceiling or walls.

                          Richard, VRay area lights give better glossy highlights than point lights. They also can also give you faster test renders if you store with irradiance map.

                          Thanks again,

                          Dan Brew


                          • #14
                            really nice images, i agree that the lighting is spot on for an office.

                            1) How did you create the striped glass frosting - is this done with a map for glossiness? Could you share your glass material - it's excellent.

                            2) Really nice plants; are they modelled, if so where did you get them from?

                            Again, really well done, lovely images.


                            • #15
                              Thanks sv,

                              The striped etching on the glass is indeed done with a bitmap in the glossiness slot. The glass material is nothing special but I'll share it anyway:

                              The plants are created using the EasyNAT plugin from Bionatics.

                              Dan Brew

