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Short excersize...

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  • Short excersize...

    Due to be being very aware of myself having shitty spatial judgement, I decided to try and copy a photo when I had some free time yesterday.
    Coming from me who can hardly hold a pen and is (usually) incapable of judging anything by eye, i'm pleased. (excuse the sketchy roof, i'll fix that if I ever come back to it)

    Model/material & lights setup was about 4/5 hours, render was 40minutes at 1600 wide. I skipped some details in the model, I wasnt really concerned with them though so long as I got the general form in.

    Other than that, rip it away.



  • #2
    Very nice, I think you got the space and the lighting just right. The only minor comment I see it that on the striped marble?, the darker marble is more reflective so when it turns the corner the light/dark actually reverses. Nice job though, I've got to try this sometime.

    David - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


    • #3
      Good spot on the materials reflection flipping. I did try and work to that at the start but I mustve forgot and not checked if it was fixed, haha.

      Think there sould be something on the roof on the cameras side to get reflected in the black too, mines a bit washed out and theres the line of a wall(?) in the photo.

      I fee like ive learnt loads through doing this, for the amount of time it took ive picked up so much about judging perspective from single views.


      • #4
        Nicely matched mate. Well done.

