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Dubaï offices animation

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  • Dubaï offices animation


    Here you can find an animation of an business center near Ras al-Khaimah airport...

    Max8 - Vray 1.5 RC2 - After Effect 7 (Knool for lens FX)

    Best regards...

    WMV :

    MPEG :

    PS : I've just updated my CGportfolio at
    My Flickr

  • #2
    thats amazing man. congrats. i liked the interior shots the most and the one near the end inside the lobby is most impressive. where did you get those animated people?


    • #3
      Thank you very much posterus...

      2 of the interior set are modified Architerior...

      I buy this animated people on :

      people + mocap.
      My Flickr


      • #4
        that's a really impressive production. Well done to all who worked on it.
        I really like the windows - how did you get that rippled effect? It works really well.

        All really good to be honest, nice to see a lot of moving cars / people, although my only crit is that the people look like they are all looking at the sky - but that's not your fault, it's the models and mocap! Did you do it in separate passes - i.e. saved GI maps and just the camera moving, then separately animated & rendered people layered over the top?

        Very impressive - what kind of render times and production times?


        • #5
          impressive. like the cam movements and transisons.
          Miss the music.


          • #6
            really nice work, i too like the glass effect, it works well.

            camera runs work well and a nice use of the did you get those past the client!!??
            Stephen Helsby



            • #7
              Not too bad at all.

              All though I really dont like the lenseflare.. but thats pretty minor all things considered.


              • #8
                To sv :

                First, thanks...

                The ripple effect is a simple noise in the bump slot.
                Now I correct the motion capture... They don't llok at the sky anymore...
                For the exterior, no GI, a fake sky dome+ 1 direct shadow.
                For the interior + Irrad + Light cache (Use lightcache for glossy ray). + Separate passe for walking people with fake sky dome.

                Rendertime interior near 15 - 20 min (Athlon X2@2400Mhz)
                Rendertime exteror near 15 min (Beauty, Oclu and ZBuf)

                Production times :

                2 Week... 1 Person. But you have to add 2 weeks for modeling all the exterior props. Except cars and people, I've done all the stuff...

                To Joost Ink :

                Thank you very much...

                To shelsby :

                For the arch interior, it's a matter of price. He had to show interior and he don't have the budget... So...

                To DaForce :

                Thanks... I'm a flare addict... Sorry

                Sorry for may bad english...
                Best regards...
                My Flickr


                • #9
                  Dude, that is freakin' rediculous. How much of the modeling did you do? You said you did everything except the cars and people? So you did all of the interior furniture and exercise equipment and stuff??


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by elitesouljah
                    Dude, that is freakin' rediculous. How much of the modeling did you do?

                    I d'ont really understand your question...

                    3 and a half days for passing from Autocad to max, 1 day texturing, 2 days and a half setup background, archinteriors 1 day, and 2 days for others interiors.
                    1 day for compositing

                    Plus 10 days modeling and texturing all the stuff, roads, trees etc...

                    10Hours a day.

                    this year I made 15 animations like that. Not as good as this one.

                    Here the first scene I made with max and vray for a test this summer:
                    Before I worked with maya and MR. The 10 days modeling and texturing are here :


                    Here an other example :


                    Some customs archinteriors, same way working.
                    My Flickr


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by elitesouljah
                      Dude, that is freakin' rediculous. How much of the modeling did you do? You said you did everything except the cars and people? So you did all of the interior furniture and exercise equipment and stuff??

                      The interiors furnitures are archmodels. Or from archinteriors. I buy 7 CDs from them...

                      I don't know if it answer your question.

                      PS : I forgot something , the second animation with the atmospheric entry is directly from
                      My Flickr


                      • #12
                        Came out nice ! Congrats !


                        • #13
                          Thanks rmejia.

                          Best regards.
                          My Flickr


                          • #14
                            Very nice! All the lens flares seem to match the mood, even though people in the VFX industry wince hard when seeing them. I guess that you can't get away from the zombie looking people. They work to show scale.

                            Question: How do you render and composite so many kinds of cars and buildings? I use proxies for cars, but still can't get away with more than a hand full of different ones.

                            Great work in such a short time!


                            • #15
                              Very nice production! What software are you using for your video editing?
                              Mike Henry

