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Test Interior Scene

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  • Test Interior Scene

    Ok.....I have playin around with a bunch of things...Vray Sun/Sky...untouched...Vray Camera F:2.0 ss:30 fs:100

    Irad Mpa -4,-3 Light Cache: 750 etc. Render Time 4:12

    Is this looking OK? I mean it is only a test scene...But I am really starting to understand the way the scene works with everything in it now. Insert a rug....The wall changes color....Paint a wall black...I have to adjust the camera F-stop or SS. etc.

    If I have windows instead of holes. And the glass is CLEAR. I assume the result will be SIMILAR?

    Also...Here is a movie...just playin with sun movement....Again...Does everything look like I am on the right track? about 25 megs....Sorry....Forgot to resize....LOL

    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    hey, nice study man.....
    the thing that i encountered when doing with physical cam and sun, is blotches and splotches.... when rendered small, 640 or so, it's fine, when it gets bigger, bigger than 1500 width, the things start to show...
    and it is really frustrating if i didn't get the tips from olli96, here is the setting :

    used VRaySun and Sky, its the only light source in the scene.
    Rendersettings are:
    AA: Adaptive QMC 2/8 | Catmull-Rom
    IR: Medium Preset | 50 HShp Samples | 25 Interpol. Samples
    LC: 1200 | Size 0,01
    Color Mapping: Reinhard | Burn value: 0,15
    rQMC: 0,7 | 0,005 | 20 | 2

    although the setting can stretch the rendering time longer, well, the result is amazing. clean, really clean. if you find it to long, well, you can adjust the make the rendering abit faster.
    Dominique Laksmana


    • #3
      I see you used IRmap for that render. FYI irmap HATES... HATES moving lights.
      You will need really high irmap settings to get rid of that flickering.. if at all.
      You may need to go with a QMC/LC combination to have a clean render.


      • #4
        Cool...I shall try that tonight

        Dom: Yeah...I used Ollie's settings as a base and then adjusted down from there. I shall continue with this a little longer. I want to add a bunch of stuff to the scene.

        Daforce: For an animation that revolves around the room...No moving lights....What it the BEST settings to use...But what will give me a DECENT result and not trash my time.

        Thanx all
        Eric Camper
        Studio 3D


        • #5
          For just a cam animation with no moving lights or objects, then IR/LC is your best approach, start with the low preset and say 750LC samples and move from there. Just what ever looks good really.

