I don't usually post up much work (and don't usually have much time for personal projects!) But this one is turning out nicely, so figured I'd share it 
The grill mesh needs some work to hold up to the 4k render (final print size is 11x14), it also might be a bit to bright right now. The fog light housings and a few other items also need some geometry tweaking. The softbox/silk reflections on the hood need some tweaking, particularly where the dull hood reflection meets the hot softbox on the driver side.
Sized down version, and 4 crops from the original 4k render (that have gone through post). The crops might have a bit to much grain, I'm not sure how much the final render will need to look good for print, I probably have to much chroma grain, I think less chroma and a bit more luma grain would do better.

The grill mesh needs some work to hold up to the 4k render (final print size is 11x14), it also might be a bit to bright right now. The fog light housings and a few other items also need some geometry tweaking. The softbox/silk reflections on the hood need some tweaking, particularly where the dull hood reflection meets the hot softbox on the driver side.
Sized down version, and 4 crops from the original 4k render (that have gone through post). The crops might have a bit to much grain, I'm not sure how much the final render will need to look good for print, I probably have to much chroma grain, I think less chroma and a bit more luma grain would do better.
