I've wanted to post some artwork on here for some time, but I've yet been able to finish any of my personal projects... This is about the closest I've come!

He's an old model from a couple of years ago that I decided to re-texture & work up into a still... There are a fair few problems with the image, the background is too domineering & I feel I over textured everything.
If anyone's interested, I'll post some crops of the final image, which is a little over 3'000 pixels high, later on.
As I said, it's the first personal project I've 'finished' in quite some time - so comments & feedback are extremely welcome!


He's an old model from a couple of years ago that I decided to re-texture & work up into a still... There are a fair few problems with the image, the background is too domineering & I feel I over textured everything.
If anyone's interested, I'll post some crops of the final image, which is a little over 3'000 pixels high, later on.
As I said, it's the first personal project I've 'finished' in quite some time - so comments & feedback are extremely welcome!
