totally, what percy said. at full res it's even more impressive. really love the diffraction effect on those light bulbs.
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Beautiful! Love the little details like the tied ankle straps (although I think there should be some pieces going from the shoe to the ankle straps, but who cares). Easily the best balleting robot I've ever seen. - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.
This image is a masterpiece! You have not overdone anything and the composition is perfect imo! I would love to see some wire frames, pre and post photoshop, and im dying to know how you did the lightbulb.Dusan Bosnjak
Thanks for all your comments guys!
Here's some more info/pics...
The slippers have a VrayBlend material on them. The base 'satin' has anisotropic highlights & there is a coat of 'rust dust' on the to dirty them up.
I tried a few different methods for the tutu but opacity mapping was the only option in the end... It did mean astronomically increased render times though!
At one stage I even experimented with Vray Displacement, using the water level to control the holes in the fabric but the level of tessellation needed to retain the detail was counter productive.
The light bulbs are modelled with some thickness to the glass & the filament has a Vraylight material applied. Again, I nested the material in a VrayBlend to add some coatings of dust/dirt.
I also made the glass not completely refractive to pick up some of the lighting, plus I made it artificially receive & give out more GI so they'd be bright without burning out the surrounding areas (i.e: by ramping up the light material's multiplier).
I also placed omni lights with a texture map to cheat some caustic-y (scientific term) light on the floor.
The glows/flares are all done in photoshop.
Thanks again!