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Latest Residential Job

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  • Latest Residential Job

    Hi all, this is our latest residential rendering, we still have to do animation and interiors for this job so i'll be posting those as they get done... Any comments and critique are welcome!

  • #2
    very nicely done. Interesting choice of trees. Are you using camera correction?

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      Hi Percy, thanks for your comments... What do you find so interesting about the choice of trees? Indeed, the image does have the perspective corrected.



      • #4
        maybe its just the location, but you have a very unique selection of trees, meaning I dont see those types of trees in architectural renderings.

        "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


        • #5
          hi I think grass looks much dark.


          • #6
            very nice....but...there just somthing about the image...somthing that says VOXEL3D...I...I dont know what it is, cant quite put my finger on it


            • #7
              I like it! pretty well done!
              I'm not so disturbed by the parallels


              • #8
                i like it as well. maybe needs a bit more contrast or something though?

                im wondering about the glass reflections...was this a background map on a plane that is being reflected or a spherical environment map or done in post?. looks good


                • #9
                  Great image but its missing a bit of punch for me. Looking at the shadows cast by people and cars your sun is quite low in the sky, so its either early morning or getting on for dusk in which case the sky doesnt match your lighting or vice versa. I would change the sky put a more dusky one in and add a bit more yellow to your sun, then you can put a few interior lights on in the apartments to liven things up. Just my thoughts but good job.

