Hello all!
I've been using vray for quite a while now and been lurking on the forums for even longer
So i thought it was about time I started to post a bit more.
Anyway, not sure if this is the right place for work in progress so please move it if it isn't.
I've been working on some Hdri+Backplate rendering, courtesy of cgibackgrounds.com and thought i'd post up where i'm at and see if you guys have any words of wisdom
The car is CAD data and it's a straight render out of max. I've only just set the scene up so this is only the second render i've had out of it.
Still need to put the interior in and tweak the materials and the comping.
Any advice would be great,

Cheers, Shoey
I've been using vray for quite a while now and been lurking on the forums for even longer

Anyway, not sure if this is the right place for work in progress so please move it if it isn't.
I've been working on some Hdri+Backplate rendering, courtesy of cgibackgrounds.com and thought i'd post up where i'm at and see if you guys have any words of wisdom

The car is CAD data and it's a straight render out of max. I've only just set the scene up so this is only the second render i've had out of it.
Still need to put the interior in and tweak the materials and the comping.
Any advice would be great,

Cheers, Shoey