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Matte and Compositing issues

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  • Matte and Compositing issues

    Hello everyone, I am a student at Johns Hopkins University and was wondering if there is an easy way to composite using gbuffer channels in vray 1.46. I am trying to render right in 3dsmax and it looks like crap. I have searched the forum but havent seen anyhting for the student version of vray.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Heres what I am dealing with:



  • #2
    I would like to give you a tip but i am simply not sure what you are asking?
    Do you need a matte object to get shadows or what is the problem?


    • #3
      Hi thanks for the reply,

      All of my matte objects seem to be still showing up with mutlicolored splotches, like in the picture. I just need a way to combine the ivy with the video using vray student. I have read that you can render out the separate channels using the gbuffer, but i have had no luck compositing then in after effects.




      • #4
        It's hard to tell from the picture what exactly the problem is. I suspect from your comments it's the strange colors that seem to be showing up (though at first glance they look photographic).

        You'll need to provide more information for us to be of any help.

        What file format are you saving out as?
        What does your matte material look like?
        Colin Senner


        • #5
          Looks like he is trying to photmontage the Ivy. But I'm not sure what the issues are with the image without knowing more about the scene.

          Explain what you are trying to do from start to laymans terms.


          • #6
            Sorry for not being clear enough,

            I have rendered out the animation with the composited ivy. As you can see there is alot of flickering and florescent splotches on all of the objects that have a matte material applied to it.


            Here are my matte settings:

            I hope this is more clear.



            • #7
              pretty odd.
              Do you have GI enabled? Coplanar faces?
              I don't know much about the limitations of the student verison of Vray.

              Perhaps you could post a wire screen of your 3dsMax scene so we can see what you've modelled and what elements you are compositing.

              When i'm compositing elements onto video, i tend to make the alpha contribution -1 so that you only get shadows cast by the CG elements, and you don't have to worry about the other CG elements as they aren't present in the renders..................just a thought?


              • #8
                I do have GI enabled, the rest of the masks are simple boxes. I am rendering a test animation using an alpha contribution of -1. Thanks for your help I will post the results when it is finished.

