Hrm.. I'm running 2008, skipped Max 9, but have been using that script for ages; one of the few I tinkered with. Did you save it to disk and run it from there? Eh. Hopefully someone with a bit more script experience can make your life, and probably the script, simpler.
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3D Site Plan
Hrmm... give this a try?
sarr = selection as array
count = sarr.count + 1
i = 1
while i < count do
select sarr[i]
rotate $ (eulerangles (random 0 0) (random 0 0) (random 0 360))
scale $ [random .975 1.025,random .975 1.025,random .975 1.025]
i += 1
Hrmm.. this might make the scale more uniform:
sarr = selection as array
count = sarr.count + 1
i = 1
while i < count do
select sarr[i]
rotate $ (eulerangles (random 0 0) (random 0 0) (random 0 360))
randScale = random .975 1.025
scale $ [randScale,randScale,randScale]
i += 1
What you need now, is the soulburn script pack from Neil Blevins. There's a random transform script in there and would do wonders for this thing. Just limit it to Z axis, and give it a -90 +90 degrees of freedom, and press the button a few times. You can also scale them all by a couple of percent which would make it look even more random.Dusan Bosnjak